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was I going to have an orgasm?

I have been having sex with my boyfriend for a while now but I still havn't orgasmed, and I have never had one on my own either. Yesterday while he was giving me oral sex I could feel a tingling build up and it got really intense and my thigh muscle began to shake, the thing is that I could feel fluid coming out and I was really worried that it was pee so I sorta tensed my vagina and after about another 10 seconds told him to stop.

Do you think that it was urine? I went to the toilet straight before, but then again afterwards i needed to go as well. my boyfriend said the taste changed to a more metallic taste

PS I hope this doesnt get closed, I don't mean for it to be obscene I jst want to know whats going on

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Reply 1
I have been having sex with my boyfriend for a while now but I still havn't orgasmed, and I have never had one on my own either. Yesterday while he was giving me oral sex I could feel a tingling build up and it got really intense and my thigh muscle began to shake, the thing is that I could feel fluid coming out and I was really worried that it was pee so I sorta tensed my vagina and after about another 10 seconds told him to stop.

Girls can ejaculate too so it could be that, either that or the feeling was cos you were so turned on and wet you felt it "gush" a bit, which is perfectly normal. just relax and it'll happen
Reply 2
Girls can ejaculate too so it could be that, either that or the feeling was cos you were so turned on and wet you felt it "gush" a bit, which is perfectly normal. just relax and it'll happen

I've felt the same once or twice and we went on (this was fingering btw) for ages more but nothing happened, so it doesn't necessarily mean you were close.
Oh thats happened to me loads of times.

And its not urine!! Its a kind of ejaculation women have which intensifies the sensation you are having.

I think my boyf would be flattered I did that while he was "down there".

Wow. Some women never experience it.. You must be one of the lucky ones :wink:
Reply 4
so should I not hold it then? because I did try really hard to and then the next day I had a really weird feeling after going to the toilet a few times
..unless you were just leaking fluid, which is the lubrication your body makes to make things easier..

I guess if you get enough of it built up inside you it will have to leak out eventually..?
Reply 6
the thing is for some reason I've always had a problem getting weit down there so we always have to use lube, so I don't think it was that
No don't hold it!! They are just mechanisms your body has for making the experience easier and more pleasurable for you!!
Well you said you felt as though you might have been approaching orgasm, so maybe theres a very good chance it was :smile:
Reply 9
Don't hold it. Go to the toilet before anything happens with your bf to make you more relaxed.
In the beginning I always thought I was gunna pee myself. I never did, but I never pushed the issue either. Now I'm fine.

Yes, you were probably going to orgasm. The fluid could well have been "girl cum", a clear liquid from the urethra (the hole you pee out of). Some girls can actualy ejeculate this fluid and it is often associated with awsome orgasms.

. Sometimes when I'm approaching orgasm, I feel the need to urinate. I have even released a small amount of urine during orgasm. What's going on?

Your bladder sits right above the vaginal area, so it can get stimulated during sex. Releasing urine during orgasm is common, as are foot spasms, involuntary pelvic thrusts and passing gas. (See? It could be worse.) "It's all a natural part of letting go. Try emptying your bladder before sex and doing Kegel exercises, which strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and are used to treat urinary incontinence," suggests Scantling. It could also be female ejaculate, the other fluid women sometimes release during orgasm. You can tell the difference, because female ejaculate is clear and odorless.
Reply 11
I dont think my bladder was being stimulated because it was only oral, thats why im not so sure about this whole ejaculation thing cos I thought that was just from g spot stimulation
No, I've been there with oral and clitoral stimulation.
Some women do find the feeling approaching orgasm similar to needing to urinate. If you went to the toilet before hand I doubt it was urine, you probably were approaching orgasm :smile:
Reply 14
I hope so

I've felt the same once or twice and we went on (this was fingering btw) for ages more but nothing happened, so it doesn't necessarily mean you were close.

how do you know when you're going to have one though?

I've been with my boyfriend and thought i was getting close, but ive never had one before and dont know what to expect? how do you know :-S
Reply 16
Sounds like you mite be though I wouldn't really know because I havn't had one yet:frown:

and I'm sorta wondering how you know when you are gonna orgasm aswell
Reply 17
Metallic? Not blood was it?
Mama Sita
Sounds like you mite be though I wouldn't really know because I havn't had one yet:frown:

and I'm sorta wondering how you know when you are gonna orgasm aswell

Difficult to explain- especially without being too graphic-but here goes...

It sort of goes (for me, anyways) and obviously not in a rigid, numerical order..

1. Something (touch, thought, whatever) turns you on

2. Sensations heightened from "manual stimulation" (lol, soundike Jim's dad from American Pie!!)

3. It feels gooooooood

4. the feelings build up and intensify

5. Feel wetter, body temperature rises, breathless etc like any physical exertion really I guess

6. Tummy muscles, thighs etc will tense/ contractions in PC muscles

7. The "pleasurable sensations" (ahaha!) will build up and you will become so hyper-sensitive that you have to cum because it's gone too far to not..if that makes any sense

Hope that's helpful, it really isn't easy to put feelings into words.
Metallic? Not blood was it?

No, I think he may have just said that because I said that I'd heard somebody said thats what it tastes.
Phew! thats was a bit long winded