The Student Room Group

4 Wheelz Driving School

I would jst lyk 2 inform ppl 2 NEVA EVA go w/ 4 Wheelz driving school. My first lesson w/ them ws @ the end of August 2005 and my instructor used 2 come 20mins l8 and didnt ring me 2 let me no n was sooooooooooooo crap he ws more worried bout his bloody car then me learnin. So this made me wnna change instructors so end of sept i had changed. My instructor ws really nice and we gt along really well BUT he spaced my lessons out TOO much all i eva did w/ him ova 15 lesson ws general driving, hadnt even gone in2 4th gear, reverse, no main roads and no manuvours what so eva! It ws such a joke all my college m8s had done loads with other driving schools and i no alot of ppl hu had left 4 wheelz due to them spacin out lessons. I would STRONGLY advice ppl NOT 2 choose 4 wheelz if u r considerin to pass quick cz if i ws still w/ 4 wheelz id probs still b doin my general drivin on quiet side roads. I av nw changed companies and its gr8 my 1st lesson w/ my new instructor we wnt on busy roads wnt in2 4th gear did reverse and if any1 lives in birmingham u will understand my next point. In that same lesson i drove from moseley (wer i live) all the way 2 aston goin via the big islands past the big matalan & star city & blues ground! I even drove in2 the city centre. From this im sure u cn see hw much of a difference this is !
Reply 1
Wow, that took a lot of effort to understand... :eek:

Please try to write in something that is relatively closely related to English rather than "txt spk" (or whatever that is), it makes your post so much easier to understand
Reply 2
but on the other hand, i am with 4 wheelz and my instuctor has NEVER been late, she is more like a friend than an instructor, i took my first test after 22 lessons ( yes i failed, and still havent passed but thats down to my silly nervous mistakes)!!

My instructor is AMAZING... she just is so good! ... but shes handed in her notice at 4 wheelz now so shes going at it private!
Reply 3
What the hell is wrong with people? Surely it must take longer to type like that than it would to do it normally. If you can type like that faster than you can normally, something is seriously wrong.

Never again.
Maybe she's upset because she couldn't understand the English grammar on our road signs :confused:

She would of preferred it in txt spk.

Why did she get a warning out of reference for posting a bad judgement on a company that was quite obviously employing an incompetent instructor? Was it because of the way she slandered the firm rather than giving an opinion?
Reply 5
soz, wot?
:laugh: stp takng da pss.
Reply 7
wot eva. l8r bro, gota giv my rents a bell.

(That alone took me over a minute to come up with. :biggrin: )