The Student Room Group
Reply 1

Will make it a lot easier.
Reply 2
Well when I say not moving around a lot, I mean just the normal amount - walking everywhere, going out every day, but not doing specific exercisey things like going to the gym.

Anyway I'm not asking because I actually want to lose weight, just out of interest :smile:
Reply 3
1400 or so is recommended, I think. Someone correct me if I'm way out!
Reply 4
The recommended daily calorie intake for a (not particularly active) woman is about 2000. To lose 1lb per week, I think a calorie deficit of about 500 per day is required.

Reply 5
yeah 1400 is about right. a good thing to do is to look at your current average consumption (basically google your average daily food for its calories and work out a general number) and then if your gaining weight reduce this number quite significantly but if uv generally maintained on this calorie intake then reduce by about 300-500 cals and try and get a little more active if only a few times a week.

also its 2000 cals for women particularly teens who are still growing, no need to be so hard on yourself :wink: