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Reply 1
It'd help if you said when you're going out, lol. Oh well. No time like the present, get those thumbsa clickin' *sparkly wink*
Reply 2
Erm around 7 ish i assume.
Reply 3
Erm around 7 ish i assume.

Just do it now. Don't give him enough time to put his phone down somewhere and forget about it.
Reply 4
But that is what i am afraid he will do lol.
Reply 5
You might as well do it now, whats there to loose.
Reply 6
But that is what i am afraid he will do lol.

Do it now. The earlier you do it, the more likely the guy will see it.
Reply 7
True True, thanks guys!!!

Reply 8
ring him so you knw for sure!!!
Reply 9
Oh haha, i don't want to appear desperate!
Reply 10
Oh haha, i don't want to appear desperate!

You dont want to appear uncaring either :wink:
lol if im arranging something i would ring, not even bother to text...but thats me!!! few my mates hate talkin on the fone ?? dunno y?? :confused:
Reply 12
ring him so you knw for sure!!!

That's what i was going to say. Phone calls are so much simpler. If he takes the call, he's hardly likely to forget to reply like he is with a text.

Plus, it saves him having to go through the relative effort of composing a text back, compared to just talking on the phone.

Reply 13
lol if im arranging something i would ring, not even bother to text...but thats me!!! few my mates hate talkin on the fone ?? dunno y?? :confused:

When on the phone it places some people on the spot. I mean, if you're having a j arthur and someone calls you its a bit annoying, but a text is ok because you can reply when you're done.
Reply 14
hmmm... now contemplating whether he is a j arthur kind of person haha

I might call at around 4 ish? Does that sound ok?
Reply 15
hmmm... now contemplating whether he is a j arthur kind of person haha

I might call at around 4 ish? Does that sound ok?

4/5 i'd say. Thats the time where most people just cant be arsed to do anything and just sit there and do nothing.
Reply 16
Oh god... I'm sorry, but how is any of this an issue. Why are you overthinking this so much. You call him when you want to know what time you're meeting up later, he tells you. You don't text him as he may not text back. How is this problematic? What risk is there that he is going to make a decision on your personality because of the method by which you get in contact with him.

And as for him having a ****? For christs sake, he's not going to answer the phone is he? (Although I don't know, friends of mine have answered their phones during sex) But why on earth would you worry about such a thing?

Just stop worrying and do what works best with your plans. Don't walk on eggshells over something quite so minor.

hmmm... now contemplating whether he is a j arthur kind of person haha

I might call at around 4 ish? Does that sound ok?
This is just sooooooo pointless..................
Reply 18
You always get one don't you.

Referring to the above poster.
Reply 19
This is just sooooooo pointless..................

If you think it is pointless then don't bloody post then.