but i don't feel depressed! is there something wrong with me?? i mean, most girls feel depressed if they found out they got raped right? but i feel like ... it was normal?
do i have to go see the psychologist....
p.s. i have no worries about getting pregnant/ diseased either because I already know i didn't catch anything like that.
You could possibly be experiencing shock, or maybe your mind is repressing any feelings of depression etc as a form of protection. Have you spoken to anyone about this yet?
i know i havn'T caught anything because I know the person who raped me, and i know he had used a condom . i havn't spoke to anyone about this yet. but the thing is i am feeling more happy than depressed, even though i know i shouldn't be. it was my first time.
Was he a boyfriend or just someone you know? If you didn't give your consent then he has raped you and should suffer the consequences of his actions. Or do you mean it was just rough and unplanned, if he is your partner? (Sorry, I'm not sure how else to put that, I'm not sure if it's clear what I mean. )
yes, basically i got drunk and someone took advantage of me. i remember trying to run away, but he just pushed me into his car, took me to a hotel and...
Sounds like she got a bit to drunk to me, and doesnt realise there is a very big difference between being forced, and being taken advatnage.
Sorry but I don't agree with that viewpoint either. Especially if the man is older, sober/ or not as drunk as the girl and/ or has been plying them with alcohol..which isn't unheard of. Yes, you can say girls shouldn't put themselves into vulnerable positions in situations like that, but it happens a lot. If a woman says no, and it is clear that she means it, then regardless of if they've been fooling around a bit then he should stop if he's a decent bloke and respect that.
Maybe it's time you stop hanging around low-lifes and losers for once?
If you know this guy, then that's rather worrying because a guy who treats a girl like this once, usually has a habit of doing so and the excuse "how was I supposed to know?" is only half-valid. I'm sure he's no little choirboy who goes to mass on Sundays for example...
Start hanging out with proper guys who know how to treat a woman and who aren't so unattractive they have to get a girl drunk or drugged to have a chance of sleeping with her.
Actually, most rapes are done by people the girl knew.
yes, basically i got drunk and someone took advantage of me. i remember trying to run away, but he just pushed me into his car, took me to a hotel and...
You could possibly be experiencing shock, or maybe your mind is repressing any feelings of depression etc as a form of protection. Have you spoken to anyone about this yet?
If it's possible, you should tell someone you trust and take them with you to see your doctor, to check that you're physically ok and to ask their advice. Even if you do know the person, I urge you to go to the police as soon as possible so that they can attempt to take DNA samples. If this happened a few days ago it may well be too late, but don't let that stop you from reporting this.
Or do you mean it was just rough and unplanned, if he is your partner? (Sorry, I'm not sure how else to put that, I'm not sure if it's clear what I mean. )
Even if he is your partner, this is still a description of rape. You can still be raped in a relationship.
It sounds strange to me that you say you are happy about it...I am glad to hear that you are coping but feel inclined to agree with supercat, maybe you are in shock. Please report him - now this has happened once, he could just as easily commit the same act again, on you or another girl.
I don't think rapists consider the use of protection whilst committing the crime.
There was a rape on the campsite I was on in France a few years ago. Some chav ******s had ganged up on a cleaning lady in the evening (the workers stayed on site). There were tens of policemen for several days actually looking for condoms because the cleaning lady claimed they used protection.