yea well ciara your situation is a little more mind messing up than mine. Atleast its clear to me my ex don't want anything atall from me apart from friendship. I think you need to put your foot down with your guy, and tell him it's all or nothing, and he can't say he wants to get back with u after uni, cus whats the point, you might aswell be together now in that case! Meet up with that guy and try and move on. I have kissed 2 guys, one of which was a big mistake and i didnt even wnt to but he gave me no choice! lol, and the other which I did want to, I really liked the guy, i used to work with him and so that was really good last week. I finally thought I was moving on until he told me that, and I suppose the reality that I ain't really over him hit me. Yep I am staying away from relationships for a gud while now, I'v never been single really, so I'm just having fun now. I think im gona keep my distance until 2 weeks when im goin to stay with him, let me calm down cus i dont wana argue with him. You know hes so lovely tho, even through this conversation yesterday we didnt argue, n he talked about everythin with me, never once did he try and hang up or avoid the convo, hes always there for me, which is great! To helenicious thanks for that advice, it was really helpful about trying to keep it superficial convos n trying not to mention the relationship.. That had worked well for 4 weeks, but i had to tell him how i still felt yesterday, cudnt keep it in, cus i didnt know what he thought. Now I know he definatly doesnt feel anything like that for me, I have to do stage 2 of moving on! lol