Hiya i'm trying to decide whether to come to lancaster or not, i play the piano and would really like to carry on playing at uni, so does anyone know if i can use the music practice rooms at lancaster even if i'm not going to study music? i emailed the music department there and got no replies so do any of you guys know? Thanks!
unfortunately, you cant use the rooms unless you are a music student. I wanted to do the same and continue playing piano but have just had to live with using a keyboard in my room
Ahhh thank you very much! thats really useful to know, also do you know What options i have in years 2, 3, and 4 for keeping all three subjects that i want to study? do i have to drop one of them, and if so should it be at the end of year 1?
Wow, thats a massive blow that is . As a percussionist (fancy word for drummer), that really inhibits practising times. That is unless I don't mind annoying my flatmates .
You can use them actually, if you aren't a music student. You have to get special permission and a swipe card from the secretary though, so you can access them out of office hours.
You can use them actually, if you aren't a music student. You have to get special permission and a swipe card from the secretary though, so you can access them out of office hours.
Oh wow, I'd really look into that. I'm even willing to pay a small amount if that's required, as I pretty much can't practise on anything other than a table otherwise!
I'm sure that if you explain your situation, you will get permission! It's not like you can really play anywhere else, is it. If for some reason they seem unwilling (very unlikely though!), it might help if you join ULMS (the music society), so you can say you need to practice for one of the groups.
unfortunately, you cant use the rooms unless you are a music student. I wanted to do the same and continue playing piano but have just had to live with using a keyboard in my room
Strange...my accompanist for my recital isn't a music student; she got permission in return for agreeing to do some accompaniment if it was wanted. No one replied to her advertisement except me, so it's not as if that was much of burden.
hey. I currently play clarinet and violin, and i was wondering if its possible to get music lessons at uni, or if there any good teachers in the area.
Also, do you have to be a music student to join the ULMS and play in the orchestras and emsembles?
No, you don't have to be a music student to join ULMS. You can always pop down to the department and email one of the instrumental teachers, or ask if there is a list of students who give lessons (they will be a lot cheaper!). I can't remember if I've seen a list this year, but I know for certain some students do offer them. There is a list of all music students who take intrumental lessons in the department, so you could try just emailing one of them.