The Student Room Group


Maybe it's just my personality but i really have problems doing work when i'm meant to - I always always leave it till the last minute.
I'm a perfectionist so i guess this doesn't help - it takes me forever to bang out an essay - I never just spend a couple of hours on it - it's always a whole weekend and work just seems to take up so much time!

It really annoys me and i don't know how to change it as i don't have the motivation! I really want A's in my final exams this year but i need to pick my socks up!

Anyone got any tips/ advice? Would be much appreciated thanks x

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im procrastinating now!im failing unless i do work-but who cares!!i cant sit down to do my room seems a better thing to do!!
Procrastinating is alot like masturbating... In the end you're just ****ing yourself :smile:
Join us at the Procrastinating Society, it doesn't help much but there's good banter. :biggrin:
haha i cant believe you just said that...but on that note.....masterbating is also a lot better than writing an essay etc!!so whats the problem??
Reply 5
im procrastinating now!im failing unless i do work-but who cares!!i cant sit down to do my room seems a better thing to do!!

I thought that was just me, i go on a cleaning frenzy when i know i have stuff to do.

How can i join the procrasstinating society?

To the starter of the thread i find a daily plan of things to and when really helps, my life seems to be filled with lists and timetables but at least i get things done.
i have lists of work etc i have to do but do u no wot they just get longer never get anythin taken off them so i dnt find that works either....b like me cram it all in the nite before!!works well for me
Everyone procastrinates at some point, it's just some that do it more than others. I also leave all my work until the last minute, but I will always get it done in the end, and get it done well, as I'm very good at working under pressure.
Reply 9
Im procrastinating a History Essay right this minute.
i'm procrastinating at the moment and all. i'm supposed to be revising for an exam on monday week. instead, the kitchen is now spotless, all my laundry has been done, and my bedroom is positively sparkling.
i generally find that i don't work well until about 9.00 at night.
yep, i need 2 b doin my bio coursework!

and my swimming teachers session plans!

hvan't got round to clenaing yet tho, thats wen i know its bad!
Reply 12
I've come to the conclusion that I can't actually do any work unless the deadline is looming, it's 3 in the morrning, and I'm panicking.
*currently avoiding her Russian work*
Reply 13
I procrastinating right now too... 2 big essays, postgraduate application forms and all the associated rubbish that goes with that, a dissertation proposal and a presentation - all dude within the next week or so.

However, I usually find giving myself some targets help... if the essays are 3500 words long, then I break it down by word count and say by Monday I have to have 2000 words, buy Tuesday I need 2500, etc. That usually helps.
1st i said i'd go for a run!

then i had 2 have a shower!

then the rugby was on

then dinner

na it doesn't work
Yes i annoy myself - Rugby gets in the way this weekend...what i find most annoying is that i always seems to want to put humour into essays, put some comedy in them. I think i'm more suited towards journalism, i.e. writing articles rather than the theoretical, stringent focus/scheme of things. By the time i've put some humour into my university essays, i don't want to take it out even though i know i should do because humour should not be part of essays, full-stop.

I'm always trying to use/employ wit and its very stupid and foolish of me.
haha, well ive procrasinated so well this weekend, that i have to do a whole piece of hwk by lesson 2 tomorrow and i aint doint it tonight.
Reply 17
For me it's my Geography homework. :smile:

The very idea of drawing about 10 bar graphs on industry around the world doesn't seem to have a lot of appeal at the moment..
Reply 18
i did that all the way thorough my gcse's... thankfully i still managed pretty decent grades.. handful of a's..
uhm, i can't be of much help tbh.. but you are only going to get out of your exams and whatnot, what you put in..
also the quicker the work is done, the faster you can go out and party :biggrin: yay!

this is all for your future.. work now, and you will have one hell of a life.
*Farfalla* - I have exactly the same prob. I need three As and I have to self-teach two subjects.... ah well. I'll get there in the end!