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katie lou
I am thinking of having one of these, has anybody on here had one put in and have you experienced any side affects? The 2 main things i am worried about is getting spots (as mine has just got better after 9 years) and putting on weight. Also, does anybody know if it hurts when it is removed? Thanks,
Katie xx

there are much easier semi-permanent methods. is there any particular reason why you would prefer an implant to, say, injections?
least with injections you only need them every 3 months, and will have to wait less time if underiable side effects occur.
the injection barely hurts is completely unnoticeable, and gives you nearly as much protection (99.5 vs 99.7% or something crazy like that)

just curious as to why the implant is sticking in your mind?
Reply 2
Because so many of my friends have had the injection and have told me bad things about it, like how their periods didn't come back for ages etc. 3 of my mates told me not to touch the injection. Would you reccommend it then?
katie lou
Because so many of my friends have had the injection and have told me bad things about it, like how their periods didn't come back for ages etc. 3 of my mates told me not to touch the injection. Would you reccommend it then?

it is completely different for different people. but i would certainly question why - if you want you period to come back quickly after stopping contraception you would choose the implant which has a far worse record in this regard.

thats why i said try the injection. some people do not liek the side effects. some get no side effects at all. but if you try it for 3-6 months, and see how it suits you, then you can change simply by swapping toa different method.
if however you get the implant, then you'll have to have a procedure to remove it (hurts a bit but not too bad) if you don't liekt eh side effects.
Reply 4
i have read loads of stuff about the implant and spoken to a doctor about it but i haven't ever read that anybody has had a problem with their periods coming back. I have read that you can still have periods whilst using the implant. Two of my friends had to wait a year after the injection for their periods to come back. I don't want that to happen to me. I just wanted to know what side affects people have experienced really and whether they went away when the implant was took out.
ok, well...
firstly dont have implanon (the only UK implant) if you are really bitg - i mean BMI over 35. it won't be pwoerful enough.
Secondly don't have implanon if you ever had undiagnosed heavy bleeding.
thirdly don't have it if you have a history of ovarian cysts - it will exacerbate the problem.

side effect wise there are quite a few, the main one being frequent or prolonged vaginal bleeding – which may affect a fifth of all users. But some women get no periods – and are very pleased about that!
Others include headache, spots, weight gain, breast tenderness, dizziness and depression, o and changes in level of sexual desire.
the implant is the size of a matchstick so you won't be able to feel it or anything like that.
certain drugs and st johns wort can reduce its efficacy but generally it isn't as effected by drugs as other methods are.


Mm side effects on Implanon

Irregular periods, aneamia, and of course my favourite, month+ long heavy period. I think i just wasn't suited to it so switched to Depo. Tho Implanon works for loads of women :smile:

edit: one note on removal, mine has left a bit of an unsightly red scar. more due to the fcat the little bugger had wedged itsellf a bit deeply in my arm, and the DR had abit of trouble getting it out :redface: But they give you aneasthetic (sp?) so you won't feel anything barr maybe a tugging sensation :smile:
Reply 7
My sister has the implant and has never complained about it or had any side effects.
Reply 8
Mm side effects on Implanon

Irregular periods, aneamia, and of course my favourite, month+ long heavy period. I think i just wasn't suited to it so switched to Depo. Tho Implanon works for loads of women :smile:

edit: one note on removal, mine has left a bit of an unsightly red scar. more due to the fcat the little bugger had wedged itsellf a bit deeply in my arm, and the DR had abit of trouble getting it out :redface: But they give you aneasthetic (sp?) so you won't feel anything barr maybe a tugging sensation :smile:

Did the irregular periods etc stop when you got the implant took out?
Reply 9
I think the 'main' symptoms are weight gain and VERY irregular periods - according to my friend who's had one in about half a year. I really wouldn't bother getting one, it sounds like a pain in the ar*e.
katie lou
Did the irregular periods etc stop when you got the implant took out?

Yes, although i now have none at all cos of the injection

Quite a change!
Reply 11
i'm confused...

implant in your arm? why do they put it there?

and if that is in your arm, then where does the coil go?
Reply 12
i'm confused...

implant in your arm? why do they put it there?

and if that is in your arm, then where does the coil go?
Reply 13
Coil goes into your Uterus. The implant releases hormones into your bloodstream.
Reply 14

least with injections you only need them every 3 months, and will have to wait less time if underiable side effects occur.

Er, wrong. With injection you have to wait out side effects until the hormone is out of your system (ie: 3 months) with the implant it can be removed straight away if you are not comfortable with it.

if however you get the implant, then you'll have to have a procedure to remove it (hurts a bit but not too bad) if you don't liekt eh side effects.

Well, 'C', that's what a local anaesthetic is for.
I think I heard that there have been no reported cases of pregnancy from using the implant, as of yet. But I could be thinking of something else.

Doc who put mine in said it was most effective method she could offer.
katie lou
Two of my friends had to wait a year after the injection for their periods to come back. I don't want that to happen to me. I just wanted to know what side affects people have experienced really and whether they went away when the implant was took out.
I went on a few internet forums before I got the implant and women were reporting getting pregnant within 3 months of having the implant removed!
Reply 15
Er, wrong. With injection you have to wait out side effects until the hormone is out of your system (ie: 3 months) with the implant it can be removed straight away if you are not comfortable with it.

Well, 'C', that's what a local anaesthetic is for.

Doc who put mine in said it was most effective method she could offer.
I went on a few internet forums before I got the implant and women were reporting getting pregnant within 3 months of having the implant removed!

Ok thank you for your help :smile: . I think i will try it and if i don't like it i can always have it removed.
Have you ever been on the pill? Im just curious as you wont know how your body will behave to the added hormones, they might make you seriously cranky! Im not liking the idea of the injection or implant because i would hate to have such a long time of being uncomfy ill and generally not happy. And the pill is very easy, ive been on it a year, not a problem yet!
Reply 17
I couldn't even think about taking the pill, i am so rubbish with tablets that i haven't even bothered going on it. I would just forget to take them and i would rather have something where i don't have to worry about taking it. If you get side affects on the implant they remove it for you straight away and the side affects go once it has been removed.
The artificial hormones in the injection and implant mimic the same natural hormone in the body so I guess if one have you spots and weight gain, the other would too.

I've been on the injection for 2 years with very few problems, but am considering changing to the implant, more for extra convenience to be honest.
I'm going to ask the doc when I go for my next one about it but I was wondering if anyone else had switched straight from the injection to the implant? What happened? My periods stopped ages ago and I can't find any info about what happens if you go straight from one to the other, regarding periods.
The artificial hormones in the injection and implant mimic the same natural hormone in the body so I guess if one have you spots and weight gain, the other would too.

I've been on the injection for 2 years with very few problems, but am considering changing to the implant, more for extra convenience to be honest.
I'm going to ask the doc when I go for my next one about it but I was wondering if anyone else had switched straight from the injection to the implant? What happened? My periods stopped ages ago and I can't find any info about what happens if you go straight from one to the other, regarding periods.

I switched the other way round, implant to injection. It might be it works in a similar way in that if your on the implant you may get you periods back, tho some women find periods stop on the implant too