The Student Room Group

Disappointing orgasms

I'm a girl, and i've been with my bf for over a year. i lost my v to him, and since then we've had some amazing sex. like, so good i couldn't even begin to describe it. but i haven't had a good orgasm for a few weeks now. i have had them, but they've been a bit rubbish. i am not nearly as up for sex as i normally am, either. we have been having sex, and although i've enjoyed it, it just doesn't compare to the best times. any ideas what could be causing this?

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Repent And Return To Thy Lord.
Reply 2
either you've got into a routine doing the same thing which you've now become bored of or you've just lost sexual attraction to him. perhaps you're having it too regularly? try something new perhaps...

Reply 3
umm can an orgasm be rubbish? do you mean the stuff that caused the orgasm was rubbish?
I'm a girl, and i've been with my bf for over a year. i lost my v to him, and since then we've had some amazing sex. like, so good i couldn't even begin to describe it. but i haven't had a good orgasm for a few weeks now. i have had them, but they've been a bit rubbish. i am not nearly as up for sex as i normally am, either. we have been having sex, and although i've enjoyed it, it just doesn't compare to the best times. any ideas what could be causing this?

lost the excitement?
try spicing things up a bit, even if its in rather predictable ways like new lingerie, sex in new places and positions.
no need to go nuts or anythin, but you can lose some of the passion if it turns into a 'routine' thing
umm can an orgasm be rubbish? do you mean the stuff that caused the orgasm was rubbish?

i think its probably the same with guys and girls. soemtimes you're so much more xcited at the point of orgasm it sort of amplifies it umpteen times. and sometimes its just a 'well, that was kinda nice'.
Reply 6
Ive never had a bad orgasm....

Try differen't positions and places etc.
Like I said before someone removed my post, your properly up the duff with a nipper.
Reply 8
Robot Chicken
i think its probably the same with guys and girls. soemtimes you're so much more xcited at the point of orgasm it sort of amplifies it umpteen times. and sometimes its just a 'well, that was kinda nice'.

i cant say ive ever had a bad orgasm...i mean yeah they can be super good...but i'd never just say "well that was kinda nice" about an orgasm :s-smilie:
Wait a few days to a week (or as long as possible). After awhile you'll be mad for each other. It's the best. Of course I find it hard to wait an hour never mind a whole day :tongue:

And try new things I guess. Do you still fancy your boyfriend? You could have gone off him.
I know exactly what you mean. Are you on the pill? I am, on microgynon 30, and it has lowered my sex drive a bit over the last few months so that I don't feel physically turned on that much any more, and I don't have great orgasms either. It's not that my boyfriend is amazing at what he does and sexy and good looking, its just... I don't know. I blame it on the pill.
Reply 11
well, i find my orgasms come in various levels of feeling. sometimes they're just better than others. they're never really 'rubbish' just that they are not nearly as good as they can be.

and i am still as attracted to him as i ever was. i still get so turned on by him, when i am up for it, its just the conclusion of it is not as good. and its not just when i'm with that my orgasms are not so good. when i masturbate, its not as good either.

we both have a lot of work on at the moment, tho - maybe that's something to do with it.
Reply 12
I know exactly what you mean. Are you on the pill? I am, on microgynon 30, and it has lowered my sex drive a bit over the last few months so that I don't feel physically turned on that much any more, and I don't have great orgasms either. It's not that my boyfriend is amazing at what he does and sexy and good looking, its just... I don't know. I blame it on the pill.

i'm on the contraceptive patch, but its similar hormones... i think i must just be going though a low libido moment. and yes, like you its definitely not that he has become less sexy/beautiful/amazing. he still turns me on so much. this morning, we had sex before we even got up, just because we needed each other. it was great, but when i came it just wasnt as good as it can be
What a load of cobblers how many girls in your position would give to have one.
Reply 14

Repent And Return To Thy Lord.

Take a f***ing slap you self-rightous prat. Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone and not be lecturing other people in an obnoxious fashion. Oh and eh, get a life while your at it.
Reply 15
What a load of cobblers how many girls in your position would give to have one.

very true.. orgasms are supposed to be quite rare.
very true.. orgasms are supposed to be quite rare.

Absolutely right there, a lot of women go through their entire life and never experience and orgasm.
Reply 17
Take a f***ing slap you self-rightous prat. Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone and not be lecturing other people in an obnoxious fashion. Oh and eh, get a life while your at it.

I wasn't the anonymous poster, but this is a tad of an over reaction. I think it was sarcastic, and mildly ironic because there are people on here who would post something like that seriously.
Reply 18
I realise that but I thought it was best to err on the side of caution in case it was a bible basher. :wink:
outdoor sex, its the way forward :biggrin: