No, there won’t be a massive change in the scores, but my point is that quoting stanines doesn’t give any indication of how many points you need in a section as the number of questions in each part varies. For example, 6 for VR might mean you need 10 correct answers out of 20, 6 in NR might be 18 out of 25 - made-up numbers, but you see what I’m getting at; the OP won’t know the ratio and shouldn’t be worrying if they haven’t answered all the questions in one section when they are moving on to the next, they should just do their best.
It was the case some time ago that there was a big surge in recruiting and they lowered the requirements; if anything these days, the scores are going up as it has been found that people who struggle with the AST can struggle in training. The job requirements are dictating the scores, not numbers needed; this is why the scores for aptitude-based jobs were increased a few months ago officer and candidates for ATC and ABM now sit AST.
Not quite sure what you mean by standing out, MarineLukeH. It doesn’t matter what you get in comparison to other people so long as you get the required scores; there is no pecking order and you are judged on your own merits. Getting above the minimum may mean that you score for other trades you haven’t considered and it may be suggested to you that you try for another trade; However, AST is only one part of the selection process and you can sail through it and fail miserably at interview.
Anyway, OP, what are you applying for?