The Student Room Group

A little help?


My boyfriend's in Iraq and it's his Birthday soon, so obviously I'm gonna send him something. I've gotta do it this week so it gets there in time, but I have no idea what to get him! He wants me to send him some things he misses like chocolate and pringles (Hopefully they'll travel well!) but I want to get him a present too. The thing is, there's not much he'll find useful. Like, aftershave - he won't use it coz he's 'got nobody to impress' and it's stupid too, and he can get DVDs for like £2 over there, and I'm just totally stuck for ideas. Has anyone got a good suggestion?
Sorry to be a pain!!
Reply 1
maybe some jewellery of some sort? a ring or a whatnot...are they allowed to wear stuff? that way he can wear it all the time and think of you :smile:
The only thing he's supposed to wear is his dogtags. A ring would just get in the way of his equipment (ie gun). If he was in England that's what I'd get him I expect.... grrrr
Reply 3
How about a nice photo of you or the two of you?
My ex was posted to Iraq and missed two birthdays (two rotations...the joy lol). Chocolate doesn't travel too well though I know the weather is lousy out there right now so it might not turn into the soggy mess mine did when I sent it. I know some people will be like "ewww" but a friend of mine sent her bf a mug with a photo of her on it (can be saucy or cute depending on what you go for). I used to send nice soaps and things in his care packages because the junk they got at the camp store was hideous. Even practical stuff like skivvies etc...though I'd steer clear of socks because that's what mums are for lol

Depending on how long he's got left (and if you're going for cute rather than saucy!) you could send a jar/tub of sweets with a sweet for every night he's going to be away (i.e. eat one every night and the jar gets emptier and emptier meaning he's almost home) or a calendar with all the days left so he can mark it off (and in the days after he gets back you can put stuff like what you want to be doing on that day with him).

I have to admit I went for saucy rather than cute so sent him the bottom half of a new set of underwear I bought and told him to bring it home with him for when he saw me :cool:

I have to admit I went for saucy rather than cute so sent him the bottom half of a new set of underwear I bought and told him to bring it home with him for when he saw me :cool:

He keeps asking me to send him my underwear. I wouldn't mind but I know what they're like out there (the boys I mean) and I feel a bit strange that they might all see it!

I just wanna send him something so he knows I'm always thinking of him.
Awww. This is a really nice thread but its made me really upset now, cause my boyfriends just applied off to the RAF. :frown: Weird to think that I might be in this situation not too long into the future!
Still, suggestions wise, if you weren't keen on the idea of underwear, why not buy a nice pair of stockings, and send him one/the pair, and tell him you'll wear them for him when he's back! Bit less dodgy than underwear, in my opinion. Otherwise, the calendar idea is good, or you could write him a little note, one for every night he'll be away (depending on how long he's got left, maybe it would be mroe practical to do one every week.) Just silly little things, like plans for the future, holidays, reasons why you love him, or saucy things you could try :P
do what nelya did in ER, take some sexy pics of you and send them
do what nelya did in ER, take some sexy pics of you and send them

lol if she's worried about the knickers going astray with the other squaddies you have NO idea what they do with the saucy pics.

Seriously though, he'd be so pleased with the knicks he wouldn't let them out of his sight :cool:
Reply 9
The sentimental and priceless things are the most appreciated.
lol if she's worried about the knickers going astray with the other squaddies you have NO idea what they do with the saucy pics.

Seriously though, he'd be so pleased with the knicks he wouldn't let them out of his sight :cool:

Yeah I suppose, I just feel a bit strange about sending them I suppose, it's different when he's here but sending them 3000 miles seems a bit weird! I couldn't send him naked photos, much as he'd love it coz on his next R&R one of his mates from the army is staying for a few days and I couldn't bear the thought of him having seen them!
Two pencils and some underpants... He'll stick the former up his nose and the latter on his head, say 'fwibble' and hey presto! He's sent home to you on insanity leave.

On a more serious suggestion how bout spraying the letter with your perfume? To remind him of you. Or perhaps a picture of you two together.. saying how its got you through his tour and maybe it can help him.
Having been in the same boat I can recommend:

*Food he misses. (You can put it in a tuperware with a few plastic ice packs)
*A good book
*DVDs that you both like
*music compliations
*a really nice picture of you in a frame
*some of your perfume, or your perfume sprayed onto something like an article of clothing or a letter
*A handheld electronic game
*Magazines he likes
*Prepaid calling cards
*A disposable camers
*Small games like a yo-yo, playing cards, a deflated football, frisbee, etc
Reply 13
you could send him a picture of you in a frame :biggrin: hehe..

or uhm.. some underwear and socks - because i am sure they are in need of those over there...