The Student Room Group

Advice on Homerton

Hi, I was really lucky in getting an offer to read History at Homerton after making an open applications. Ive read some really promising material about the college, and also some (rather pretentious looking) criticism over its standards. I was wondering whether anybody could set the record straight. I have no issue with its distance from the town centre, nor its specialism in education. When i was present for interviews, I really liked the atmosphere of the college, but I have never been there during term time.

Any advice would be much appreciated.
Reply 1
i got pooled to homerton and was pretty devestated at first but now i cant wait to go there.

The main problem that i have with the college is its distance from the centre though this is often exaggerated (20 mins quick walking and there's a free bus!)

There are also apparently some internet issues with the uni blocking file sharing and msn (though some1 i talked to said you can get round it).

However, there are a lot of benefits

In terms of the gorund, it is undoubtedly one of the best colleges. It rivals trinity for size and jesus for sporting facilities and it looks really beautiful

When I went to the open day, the staff were all really laid back and nice and every student I talked to said that they loved it there.

The college is near the bottom of the tompkins table but seeing as its only been a college officially for 5 years, thats not really surprising. You can't really say that the teaching is any different to that at any college.

I think that some of the more pretentious people from other colleges look down on homerton because it's a bit far out and because it's the newest college but that shouldn't put you off at all

So basically, I'm sure you'll love it
Reply 2
Hi, I was really lucky in getting an offer to read History at Homerton after making an open applications. Ive read some really promising material about the college, and also some (rather pretentious looking) criticism over its standards. I was wondering whether anybody could set the record straight. I have no issue with its distance from the town centre, nor its specialism in education. When i was present for interviews, I really liked the atmosphere of the college, but I have never been there during term time.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

After having made several trips to Addenbrooke's recently I've seen Homerton a fair few times, and it actually looks really nice. The buildings and grounds looks nice, and the facilites look pretty impressive too. Some people get snobby about the college, but tbh they're not really the type of people whose opinions matter. I think cambridgemuscle is at Homerton, he'll probably be able to give you a good idea of what its like.
Reply 3
I got pooled to Homerton as well, and didn't really know much about it until the open day, but since then i'm really glad I'm going.
The facilities seem some of the best. And they seem to be more bothered about your education that what ridiclously expensive piece of art they can buy to hang somewhere. The staff and current students were all very down to earth, which was refreshing, and all the people who I met at the open day who are staring in '06 were great people.
Can only say don't listen to any of the bad press. Sure it has a few problems, but every college does.
Reply 4
Also nice to see another Northumbrian going to Cambridge!
Reply 5
*hugs Kellas and Azza* Yeah we loved Homerton, didnt we?!

Choirofotters - i loved the atmosphere, well just everything, its even better htan robinson (Carpark) which i applied to! lol.

Academically - its as straigth as any college, i wouldnt worry. I mean ppl are always going to be snobbish if your not gonig to Trinity or Gon&Keys but I mean common, you get hte cambridge experience and at a lovely college, great facilities, etc. Plus as the president was telling me homerton can only get better, so hehe :biggrin:

Plus, less pretentious ppl - well thast what I got from the ppl i met there. Am in love with Homerton, cant wait to get there!
I love how everyone mentions Trinity when it comes to prestige :wink:

That aside, I don't think college matters very much at all unless you have your eyes set on being a social whore and engaging in student politics. Homerton looks great, my friends there love it and I believe that it shares supervisions with more central colleges for quite a few subjects, due to its recent expansion in subjects offered. Certainly all the lawyers have criminal supervisions at Trinity, so teaching quality can't be all bad :wink:
Reply 7
I did write an extended answer for you guys, but certian members of our glorious student union get very up tight if anyone gives anything other than glowing praise of the college. As I've been caught out before on these very boards you'll have to PM me.
Reply 8
Thank you for all the advice, its been useful. Kellas, whereabouts in Northumberland are you from- I'm from the Alnwick area. Cambridgemuscle, thank you for your reply, although since im new to student room, i don't know whata PM is. Thank you everyone!
Reply 9

click on cambridgemuscle's name and then click send a private message
Reply 10
I love how everyone mentions Trinity when it comes to prestige :wink:

If i hear another Trinitarian bigging themselves up, I swear I'll ****ing firebomb the college:p:
Reply 11
Two things to note: there are rumours that the C4 (the free bus) might no longer be free next year (pain for me as well as I wanted it to get to Addies).

Also, Homerton are very keen on their conference guests - from what I've heard from people there this means that you get chucked out very early and allowed back very late, and it's very hard to get vacation accommodation if you want it. Also some of the highest rents in Cambridge I believe.
Reply 12
Choirofotters, I'm from Bedlington near morpeth.
Reply 13
so are you at King Eduards then?? sorry, sounds really rude of me to ask. Its good to think that there'll be other northumbrians at Homerton.
Reply 14
If i hear another Trinitarian bigging themselves up, I swear I'll ****ing firebomb the college:p:

Surely toxical chemicals would be more viable... besides, it has been done before so you know that'll work.

Anyway. Homerton is apparently paradise for education people.
Reply 15
Nope, don't go to Edwards. I go to King's in Tynemouth, dunno if you'll have heard of it. And as t dont look likely thatll ill pull off my grades, dunno whether ill ever get into homerton.
Reply 16
If i hear another Trinitarian bigging themselves up, I swear I'll ****ing firebomb the college:p:

:eek: You wouldn't...
Who's been getting on your nerves eh, Visesh? :wink: :p:
Reply 17
Meh, the only person I know whose gotten into trinity, said he didnt give a damn about any other unviersities, he knew he was going to cam/trinity.

Fair enough that youre muchos clever and you know what you want, but if that isnt arrogance i dont know what is. God knows why i didnt slap him.
Reply 18
the accomodation is just under 100 pounds a week but that includes compulsory meal tickets for the week. It's a bit annoying with these being compulsory but it could then be pretty cool knowing on weekdays that you've got a guarenteed paid for meal if you need it. The rooms are really nice with all of them being ensuite which is cool

with the trinity thing, at the open day which kel, shadowish and I went to, the guy was plafully insulting of trinity and johns due to their enormous wealth. I don't think it's fair to attack trinitarians on it unless they're massively boasting about it.