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why should you be concerned? it is reather unlikely that you will end up never kissing anyone.not everybody has the same experiences at the same time,dont fret about it
I was nearly 17 when i had my first kiss, then was nearly 18 when i had my next! Its ok! Just coz you havent swapped germs with some acne ridden 12 year old doesnt matter!

I found my first kiss was really something special when i had it! :smile: made me go all gooey inside!
Reply 3
Really not a problem, it just depends what you're like. One of my friends had kissed 1 person for about 5 seconds and now has about 7 men at uni cos she's come out of herself! And on my corridor I can think of 5 people who have never kissed anyone - I was quite shocked at that I must admit, felt like a bit of a slag when we discussed it, but shows you it's pretty common!
Reply 4
I've got several 18 year old friends who haven't been kissed. It's just because the right person hasn't come along, and also because they have standards :wink: Don't worry about it.
Reply 5
i'm 18, nearly 19, and untill i got ito my first relationship, about 10 months ago, hadn't ever kissed anyone, or had a boyfriend. Its all happens in time, and if and when you're ready.
Reply 6
I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Just go out and have a good time, it'll happen eventually if you want it too.

But i do know what your feeling, society places young people under alot of pressure to do things. Like some sort of "to do" list!
It's really a lot more normal than you think.
Reply 8
I'm in the same position, you're not alone- although i don't think we're in the majority! I'd rather have never been kissed than just do it for the sake of it. On the other hand i do sometimes think how the hell am I going to manage a situation where I am interested in someone or versa, but i'll deal with that unlikely event when i come to it!
Reply 9
Me neither...I'm 18 next week and I've had nothing- however, due to early development in the chest department I had several problems with lecherous disgusting boys and forcing....luckily I escaped but not only has it put me off- I don't EVER want it to happen again and so, I don't know if i'll be able to cope....:frown:
Reply 10
k, before we start i know this has probably been done before but i need some outsider views.
To get to the piont:
i'm 17
i'm female
i've never had a boyfriend
i've never kissed anyone

i have a large group of friends and the majority are female when out soicalising i'm not shy but i'm not exactly adventurous.

i'm not crying about it or anything but i just wanted to know if i should be concerned about this or if i'm just over anylising and making a fuss.

:confused: so?


People who've never been kissed probably are munters.

I don't know if you're a munter or not, so I dunno.
Lauren Hart
I was nearly 17 when i had my first kiss, then was nearly 18 when i had my next! Its ok! Just coz you havent swapped germs with some acne ridden 12 year old doesnt matter!

I found my first kiss was really something special when i had it! :smile: made me go all gooey inside!

true, true!
I have a pretty good success rate with guys, but I didn't kiss anyone until a couple of days before I turned 17. I waited for someone special, and it was incredible. It will be much more memorable and enjoyable if you wait until you meet someone really worth it. Most people who have their first kiss at a young age are pretty disappointed, I think.
People who've never been kissed probably are munters.

I don't know if you're a munter or not, so I dunno.

How narrow-minded CAN YOU GET! There are probably both 'munters' and the most attractive people who have never been kissed.
what the hell is a munter?!
Reply 15
How narrow-minded CAN YOU GET! There are probably both 'munters' and the most attractive people who have never been kissed.

So what?
people? whats a munter
So what?

So i am just pointing out that you are most likely generalising way too much, and impliedly criticising people who prioritise genuine feelings.
Ugly person.
Reply 19
People who've never been kissed probably are munters.

I don't know if you're a munter or not, so I dunno.

That is a RIDICULOUS comment to make.....I may not be stunning but I don't think i'm a munter! IT may just be a choice MADE to wait for the right person, rather than go around slagging it up all the time.