The Student Room Group

HELP!! Friend At hospital

Hi (Sorry im posting this as anonymous just in case anyone that knows me watches this)

Long story short,

One of my best mates is goin into hospital tomorrow for a pretty serious operation but she doesnt want me to see her because of her ******** boyfriend. she wont leave him and she says she wants to. he doesnt even know that she is going into hosptal. she hasnt told anyone but me that she is. She doesnt want anyone else but me and her family to know that she is going into hospital. This all means that i will not be able to find out about how she is doing, what the actual date of her operation is, if she is ok, when she will be coming home or anything like that and i am so so worried about her.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how i will be able to find out if she is ok?

Im a male and 17. She is 15. She goes to school and i am at college. Her bf is 18 and in the same class as me and we do not get on at all. He will find out that she is in hospital tomorrow or very soon after and i cannot ask him how she is getting on, or any of his friends. If i talked to someone in her family, they will only tell her bf that i was asking about her and they wouldnt tell me anything. None of her friends will be able to find out anything either. I am completely stuck as to what to do. When i say that i wouldnt be able to find out anything, i mean that there is a small chance of her actually dieing and no one would tell me if she did.

Any ideas no matter how daft will be appreciated because atm i am so scared about her. thanks and sorry for the long post. :frown:
Reply 1
You could go to the hospital and ask (thats when you know she has had the operation). Not sure whether they would let you see her, but they would probably tell you whether or not she is alive.

What kind of operation?

Hasnt she told you when it is meant to be?
Reply 2
yeah, she has like a skin problem and also some problem with her breasts. Its the second time that she is having it done. thej 1st time, they messed up and its now a lot worse. she has like a lump in both breasts and theres an outside chance that its cancer.

I dont even know when the operation is, she is just goin into hopsital tomorrow. she wont tell me where it is, but she has done once before, i just hope that i can find it in my conversation history. I know that she is on the nhs, but she has to go to a private hospital to have it done and thats where she will be.
Reply 3
yeah, she has like a skin problem and also some problem with her breasts. Its the second time that she is having it done. thej 1st time, they messed up and its now a lot worse. she has like a lump in both breasts and theres an outside chance that its cancer.

I dont even know when the operation is, she is just goin into hopsital tomorrow. she wont tell me where it is, but she has done once before, i just hope that i can find it in my conversation history. I know that she is on the nhs, but she has to go to a private hospital to have it done and thats where she will be.
Reply 4
By the sounds of it she isnt that likely to die on the table so I wouldnt be to worried. Im sure she will tell you what the score is afterwards, if she wants to.
Reply 5
i really dont think that she will die either. but its the fact that she is going to be in hospital for a long time and i wont know how she is or anything. Its probably me just worrying because i always have been here for her and i wont be able to be there for her when she has the op and she is really scared about the op and she hates doctors and hospitals. i know that i am being stuipd really
Reply 6
If you know what hospital, you could try writing her a letter and dropping it off at the main reception, I'm sure there'd be somebody that'd see she got it. That way you could tell her how you feel, and may even cheer her up?
Reply 7
If you know what hospital, you could try writing her a letter and dropping it off at the main reception, I'm sure there'd be somebody that'd see she got it. That way you could tell her how you feel, and may even cheer her up?

She could be going to either the childrens, ond of the main hospitals around here or another that she doesnt know. So one of 3 basically. I cant write her a letter as her bf or member of family will find it and she wont really have the strength to lie to them if they ask who its from. I kind of have an idea what i would do if i knew where she was. And as i have my driving test soon and am feeling confident about passing, i will be able to do what i am planning on doing more easily.