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I'm more concerned about downloading music. My sister goes to Kent Uni and they stop her from downloading through Bit Torrent and Limewire
TOMX) ok online gaming is allowed. However you may get alot of lag when everyone is using the resnet. A mate of mine plays counterstrike and unreal tournament all the time and has no problems there is also a Computer society which I belive has big lan parties.

LIAM) you get canned if they find out your using bit torrent but there is this hub at warwick called DC++ you can download films in minutes and a music single in less than a second, its better than bit torrent!
Thats gay. How wide is the selection of songs on DC++?
Online gaming is allowed and works fine, there is also lan parties hosted by the computer society. You will never need bit torrent at warwick once you discover DC++!
Reply 5
Seamen Staines
Online gaming is allowed and works fine, there is also lan parties hosted by the computer society. You will never need bit torrent at warwick once you discover DC++!

not just LANS, Compsoc has gaming every friday and saturday from 10pm to 4am (and often longer!), in the Physics concourse ITS computer lab (with 22 machines).

from the compsoc website:
Games we commonly play:

Quake 3 - Oh yes, we can play it in ITS!

Star Craft - Real-time stratergy game, with games lasting up to 3 hours!

Warcraft 3 - DOTA, Tower Defence, and all sorts of other tricks

Raven Shield - Another run-around-military-styley FPS

CounterStrike 1.5 - Shoot terrorists at network game speeds modem users only dream of!

TetriNET - Multiplayer Tetris. Accompanied by much shouting of insults.

Unreal Tournament - Undisputably better than Quake3. Apparently.

Diablo 2 - It will waste your life away.

If it's only music people at Warwick have, I'll have trouble finding all the random golden oldie songs I like :frown:

She could always claim she's downloading Linux ISO's through BitTorrent, in an attempt to support her favourite distribution by not using their servers... that's the excuse I'd use, though in all fairness, I would download a few distributions... probably.

I don't know what any of that means, which means she won't either
Reply 7
Liam The Eagle

I don't know what any of that means, which means she won't either

well it isnt illigal to use peer to peer programs, its only illigal when you dowload or share something that is copyrighted (such as movies and music). So really we should be allowed to download and share free stuff, such as Linux.
It doesn't matter either way. The programs like Limewire and Bit torrent are all blocked by the Uni's firewall. She can open then, but they'll never connect
Reply 9
Liam The Eagle
It doesn't matter either way. The programs like Limewire and Bit torrent are all blocked by the Uni's firewall. She can open then, but they'll never connect

Well that's what I'm saying, she should complain.
Reply 10
I might have to pop in now and again, have a game or two. But i'm bringing my xbox 360 (with Live) to Warwick so might not be in that often lol.
Reply 11
Well that's what I'm saying, she should complain.

It won't work - because when you sign up to the ITS agreements, you haven't got a leg to stand on. And it's not as if you can't get all the legit free stuff from BitTorrent from another source.

Besides, DC++ will satisfy all your dreams. Trust me.
Reply 12
Liam The Eagle
It doesn't matter either way. The programs like Limewire and Bit torrent are all blocked by the Uni's firewall. She can open then, but they'll never connect

Thing is, if you're on the uni's broadband network, they're liable for whatever you download. Downloading music and films through bit torrent and limewire is actuyally illegal so i would be inclined to believe that ALL unis are against it.
Reply 13
Like you say, they're liable for what you download... which is why they often turn a blind eye to DC++. It's mostly across Resnet (the campus residential network) so no-one except IT Services can see all the illegal activity :wink:
I wonder if they'll turn a blind eye to my copious pornographic downloads as well......
Reply 15
Liam The Eagle
I wonder if they'll turn a blind eye to my copious pornographic downloads as well......

Well as long as it's regular porn it should be alright lol.
Reply 16
I had heard they were cracking down on DC++ now, was I misinformed?
Reply 17
They go through phases of cutting people for using DC, or blocking the ports, but recently it's been fine again and no-one has been cut off. It seems to depend on their mood :wink:
Cutting people? That seems a little draconian...
Reply 19
Not if it stops the uni being sued for allowing people to share copyrighted material, which might be one motivation. Although I'm not sure how you could detect DC++ shared files.