The Student Room Group

Rash *Down There* :S (Graphic!!)

Well, it's clear why this in anonymous... WARNING this is *GRAPHIC* :frown:

I've got a problem. I'm a bloke. It's embarassing.

I had a one night stand before christmas, quite a while before in fact (months) and ever since it's felt like something isn't 'quite right' down there (tinges of itching and redness). I was stupid, drunk and didn't use protection (I know, I deserve whatever I get yadda yadda...).

I was tested for everything (blood test+swab) and found to have NSU at the time, so was given a course of antibiotics for chlamydia (as taking them would take as much time as waiting for the chlamydia test results) and I hoped that would be that.

However, after taking the Antibiotics (a two week course) for a week and a half, I developed a visibly red rash that resembled thrush (which I have had before) but I was petrified this could be herpes so went back to the GU clinic.

The doctor said that I'd "just had a reaction to the antibiotics and that had caused thrush" and just gave me some Hydrocortizone (sp) cream for it (nice to tell me that was a possible side effect eh?).

So I used the cream and the rash seemed to go away within about a week.

However, it's NOT gone away properly for months. It disappears but then when I masturbate (or do anything else sexual) it seems to come back almost overnight and is visibly red in appearance and itchy - yet there are no 'sores' as such or weeping. I've been back to the GU clinic when one of these red itchy patches first appeared and the doctor told me it was just because I'd not cleaned under my foreskin properly (I'm uncircumcised).

Now I can get on board with that idea, but the thing is, this has NEVER EVER EVER happened previously before this one night stand (i.e. due to uncleanliness). She said to come back again if I was still worried and they'd test me again.

Every couple of days, particularly if I masturbate (I've tried increasing my washing routine but really, I've been fine my entire life with just a shower per day until this one night stand) I've been getting this rash. So I went back, as the rash sits there 'tingling' with an itchy feeling so I can't forget about it, and the registrar that was there told me 'he'd only test me one more time' and that if I was still concerned I should 'see a counsellor(!!!!)' as there was no problem. I had a bit of this rash again and he claimed it was just raised blood vessels...

This is driving me insane and has been going on for months. I've been trying to get it sorted but it just keeps coming back. All the way through this too, my urine has been smelling unusually of Sugar Puffs (usually a sign of diabetes, but I've been tested for that too!).

Can anyone help/advise on where I should go from here? The GU clinic really don't seem to want to help and the G.P. just referred me there in the first place.

I know it sounds like I'm being a hypocondriac (which is certainly what the registrar as the GU clinic implied) but whatever this rash is it's certainly VERY REAL as I can see and feel it right now, as it's decided to come back overnight.

I'm particularly worried as I've met a new girlfriend and despite what the doctor's are saying (i.e. I don't 'have' anything) I'm petrified that I may give her something. I certainly don't want to have to tell her I can't sleep with her because of this if it's unnecessary (I'd much rather it was gone!!!). Plus what a wonderful thing to announce in a relationship that's just getting off the ground 'oh by the way we can't sleep together because I think I've got VD from a one night stand six months ago...'

As I say, I've had past experience with thrush/yeast infections (passed on from a girl that was prone to it) so it's certainly not that as it seems to constantly keep coming back :frown:

I'm so depressed and worried about it and I really have more important things I should be concentrating on at the moment. It's been nearly SIX MONTHS since I first went but now I feel I can't really go back to the GU clinic for any help and have no idea where to turn :confused:

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There are two possibilities outside of an STD you really need to discover.

First of all I strongly suggest you buy a ringworm cream from Boots (fairly cheap and non prescription afaik). Many men get a circular (kinda) rash down there, and it can be a fungal infection (ringworm is similar to athletes foot) rather than an STD. This is consistent with no sores, only some itching/redness etc.

Try that for a week and see if it clears up.

Otherwise its possible that your current problem is purely psychological (your original one was obviously real), in which case you need to learn to stop stressing about it. Cant help more than that sorry.
Reply 2
Have you considered seeing another doctor? You're obv concerned that things are not quite right and so you should be - anything scary in that department is enough for anyone to be worried about!!

Go and ask for a full set of tests to be done, and also consider looking at your diet. If it is psychological the perhaps you need to talk to someone about it - perhaps it is guilt from the one night stand?

Let this be a lesson to you all that if you are happen to have a one night stand ensure you're carrying condoms and USE them. Apart from ending up with some god awful VD, you could end up with a baby - ew.
Right this may not be your sort of thing but my mum reckons this guy is god in the health department. I dont normally suggest this sort of thing to random people cos most people tend to laugh at it but you seem to have exhausted most other avenues so it might be wortha a try for you.

this guy has cured my extreme eczema, my sister's arthritis, as well as various colds, fluus and ear infections for the whole family. his name's alan rae (Nature's Larder, 60 Holburn Street, Aberdeen, Grampian, AB10 6BX, UK....01224 588120). you could ring him or write to him, describe your problems and he'll suggest you buy certain herbal things to help different organs cope. the herbal stuff cant hurt you so you might as well try and see if it works even if this is not normally your type of thing. at any rate he'll be more helpful than the doctors seem to have been - remember to ask for alan cos he's the best guy there!
I've used herbal remedies from that shop. Very good shop too.
Reply 5
When you are washing down below do you use soap or shower gel etc... These are triggers for thrush and should be avoided on more sensitive areas, particularly if you are prone to it. check out this site:

With regards to your new girlfriend and being worried you'll pass something on - USE A CONDOM!!
Reply 6
So no sex for six months and counting? There'd something to really start worrying about...

Seriously, sounds like a fungul infection of some sort, otherwise the antibiotix would've cleared it up?
Reply 7
Are you sure its not just the Thrush?
God, sounds a complete nightmare. I read some replies and I agree you should see a different doctor, yours seems useless! As for the girl, if she likes you she wont be put off, and if she was, just because of a rash then she isnt worth seeing anyway!!
Reply 9
See a different doctor, or a specialist STI clinic. As for your new girlfriend, just use a condom!
Reply 10
Cheers for all the replies and suggestions so far guys:

Just thought I better clarify - the rash goes away to the point where I can no longer see it every few days, then returns when I masturbate or whatever...

NeverMindThat - I'm fairly certain it's not ringworm as it's essentially just redness in various blotches all over the the foreskin when it's retracted (i.e. pull the foreskin back so it's time and reveals the head, and it's all over the skin that is in contact with the tip and to a certain degree, but lesser, causing blotches on the tip itself). It's fairly random in dispersion (but clearly seem to spread through contact with itself...)

I'm pretty certain it's not psychological. Admittedly, I'm a little wound up about it, but only when it makes itself so prevalent otherwise I'm quite a relaxed/not anxious person so it must definately be *some* sort of problem... I've been very patient just waiting for it to clear up following the use of cream /the initial antibiotics. It's obvious more urgent now as I don't want the slightest risk of passing it onto my girlfriend.

Segat1/Helenia- When I've been to the GU Clinic on the different occasions I've seen firstly a consultant, a doctor then a registrar (three different people). It *is* a specialist STI Clinic... in a hospital...

Half the problem is by the time I can see a health professional, it's reduced in severity to the point where they just trivialise it (i.e. redness due to 'not washing' or blood vessels being at the surface). I swear if they saw it now (which they *can't* as the clinic is shut and my GP has no appointments until thursday) - bet it will have gone down *again* by then... I'm thinking of taking a photo, disgusting though it seems...

As for my new girlfriend, well, it's hard to explain why I'd insist she uses a condom when performing oral really, without telling her I suspect it may be herpes or something... which I could pass on that way [though undoubtedly if it comes down to it, she's going to have to know]. Besides, obtaining an itchy rash every time I have sex isn't fun, I want rid of it... hence me praying it's nothing that sinister...

Kill More Foxes - I don't normally believe in any herbal solutions to anything really, but I'll be willing to try these if nothing else seems to work. I'm really getting to my wits end. Thanks for the info.

I'm almost *certain* it's not thrush. As I say, I know what thrush is like and this, while similar in appearance, is relentless about coming back. When I've had thrush previously the only way I've gotten rid was using a Diflucan capsule (Cloitramzole (again, sp) cream like Canesten never used to do much good).

Driving Miss Daisy - I've been thinking perhaps it's the shower gel I use or something, though I'm fairly certain I've been using the same stuff all year. I've decided I won't use anything in that area except water for the time being to try and rule it out. I don't think I'm prone to thrush. Previously I've been with a girl that was (for quite a while) and I've had it many times, but ever since then I've been with various women [in a situation where we were tested and just using the pill as contraception] and *never* had thrush since...

Right this may not be your sort of thing but my mum reckons this guy is god in the health department. I dont normally suggest this sort of thing to random people cos most people tend to laugh at it but you seem to have exhausted most other avenues so it might be wortha a try for you.

this guy has cured my extreme eczema, my sister's arthritis, as well as various colds, fluus and ear infections for the whole family. his name's alan rae (Nature's Larder, 60 Holburn Street, Aberdeen, Grampian, AB10 6BX, UK....01224 588120). you could ring him or write to him, describe your problems and he'll suggest you buy certain herbal things to help different organs cope. the herbal stuff cant hurt you so you might as well try and see if it works even if this is not normally your type of thing. at any rate he'll be more helpful than the doctors seem to have been - remember to ask for alan cos he's the best guy there!

Alternatively, contact Mystic meg and ask her to predict you to full health.

BULL ****.
Alternatively, contact Mystic meg and ask her to predict you to full health.

BULL ****.

I did point out that this isnt everyones cup of tea!! I normally swallow whatever mum throws my way simply cos its easier than arguing over it with her...its only herbs so it cant do me any harm!!

Speaking of mystic meg, we actually use a woman from carlisle to help out with our pets. She (get this!) puts herbs into a black box and sends it by radionic waves to our pets!!! She's never met any of us or our pets either!! But shes cured balls of pus that have built up in one of the horse's hooves, conjunctivitus in another pony's eyes, and another pony's 'rainscald' (legions of pus that build up under the skin and weep the whole time:eek: ). haha

I actually ripped my thumb backwards skiing on a dry ski slope...fractured it in three places and tore all the ligaments out. The hospital sorted it and said it would take about 6months to heal fully and that I shouldnt go riding for at least 3months. Well I cant keep off a horse!! so I took some of the herbal **** that alan rae suggested...I was back on a horse in two weeks and the hospital said my recovery was inexplicable!!

As I said - not everyones idea of a good time but if you've tried all the other options then why the hell not?!! At worst you'll have an experience with some smelly old man or woman to laugh about!!:p:
Reply 13
Maybe its not so much a rash as being dry, next time you masturbate try using some lotion or something. Thats about all I can suggest.
That's a very dangerous attitude to have.

Indeed, herbal remedies can be very dangerous - some herbs and plants have very potent effects on the body - and herbal remedies can be prepared and sold by anyone - there is no guarantee that what you're actually getting is what you think it is.
Indeed, herbal remedies can be very dangerous - some herbs and plants have very potent effects on the body - and herbal remedies can be prepared and sold by anyone - there is no guarantee that what you're actually getting is what you think it is.

well i was rather assuming that noone would be tempted by the smelly, longhaired hag on the street corner selling eucalyptus oils!! obviously all the people who've ever treated me are authorised and everything has a guarentee with it and has been approved as fit for human consumption etc:stickyman
Reply 16
well just thought i'd post an update on this...

I went back to my G.P. in the end and printed off my initial post on here - just because I felt like I wasn't articulating the problem as fully as the situation warrants. He said that rather than do anything there and then to call the GP surgery and say it was emergency when some symptoms emerged and go straight in... which was nice - someone FINALLY listening to me when I say 'I know something isn't right!'.

Well, today was the day so i went along, the rash reappeared along with a few tiny ulcer looking things...

Guess what my GP said? 'hmmm, you'll need to go to the STI clinic to have those tested'. Oh dear me, what a palava... so that's where I'll be off this morning as soon as the place bloody well opens. He said if they have any qualms about looking again to refer them back to him, so at least they might actually take me a little more seriously at the STI clinic this time(!)

I'll keep you all posted... wish me luck. For christ's sake people, don't get really pissed and not use condoms... sounds like a no-brainer I know.... my god I hope I don't have herpes... :frown:
Reply 17
Good call with the printing out of the post, I gotta say...good luck! Let us know of the results...
Reply 18
Well, it seems I was right all along about having something - I have genital warts... :frown:

Let me be an example to you all :frown:

It could be worse though, apparently it's extremely common... and condoms don't necesarrily prevent it (but help) so I feel a bit better. Plus, despite the virus never ****ing off once the warts are gone it won't be passed on to anyone :smile:

How on earth to tell the mrs., however, is another question entirely... any ideas? It's not gonna sound great no matter how I put it... :frown:
Reply 19
Well, it seems I was right all along about having something - I have genital warts... :frown:

Let me be an example to you all :frown:

It could be worse though, apparently it's extremely common... and condoms don't necesarrily prevent it (but help) so I feel a bit better. Plus, despite the virus never ****ing off once the warts are gone it won't be passed on to anyone :smile:

Babe you have to tell her and make sure you get her tested as well - HPV can be a prcursor to Cervical cancer :eek:

Genital herpes is different to genital warts (Human Papiloma Virus)