The Student Room Group

Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge

Hey guys! Was wondering if there's anyone out there who's got an offer from Sidney for next year, is there already or is going to study MML at Camb? Anyone MML people wanna tell me what the course is like at Cambridge? There don't seem to be many MMLer's on the Sidney forums. I'm hopefully going to do German and Italian.
Any peeps from the wonderful Wirral out there too?

Priya xxxxx :smile:

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Reply 1
Hey guys! Was wondering if there's anyone out there who's got an offer from Sidney for next year, is there already or is going to study MML at Camb? Anyone MML people wanna tell me what the course is like at Cambridge? There don't seem to be many MMLer's on the Sidney forums. I'm hopefully going to do German and Italian.
Any peeps from the wonderful Wirral out there too?

Priya xxxxx :smile:

im definitely not applying for sydney sussex, a good friend of mine got rejected last year with 10a* and 5as at alevel - this doesnt give me a good impression
Reply 2
I got an offer from Sidney Sussex for Maths, quite surprised really as my interviews didn't seem to go very well and I have quite poor GCSE's.
Not from Wirral though, don't even know where it is,

Reply 3
I got an offer from Sidney Sussex for Maths, quite surprised really as my interviews didn't seem to go very well and I have quite poor GCSE's.
Not from Wirral though, don't even know where it is,


are you from state school? :biggrin:
Reply 4

Not from Wirral though, don't even know where it is,

The other side of the Mersey from Liverpool isn't it?

Reply 5
when did you have your interview phil? i met a few maths people at my interview....which was also horrible, i got asked about inuits in siberia and the significance of the structure of the tate gallery in liverpool......for a language interview!

wolf- a lot of people get rejected with amazing a levels/gcse' did your friend do at interview? i have a friend whos predicted 6 A's alevel, got 11 A*'s at gcse, she got a place but only through the pool, cos she interviewd terribly

"are you from state school?" ???? :confused:
Reply 6
Hey Priya, you're on the JCR messageboard too aren't you? :smile: Nice to see you again:wink:

Reply 7
hehe right back atcha nicky, yes everwhere there is an oxbridge related forum i am there (i'm sad and just like harassing undergrads) seriously though, does nobody else apart from 'spurge' do mml at sidney....unless they have a life, or too much work.....really wanna know what i'm letting myself in for...
Reply 8
hehe right back atcha nicky, yes everwhere there is an oxbridge related forum i am there (i'm sad and just like harassing undergrads) seriously though, does nobody else apart from 'spurge' do mml at sidney....unless they have a life, or too much work.....really wanna know what i'm letting myself in for...

They have too much of a life I guess!:smile: Spurge is permanently pissed so I'm surprised he manages to find the message board at all.. You'll quite possibly encounter Matt Legg on there (signed in as The Third probably - DON'T ask), he's a linguist doing French and Spanish I think. I may drag one or two of the first year linguists on for you if I can grab em:smile:
Reply 9
Can't remember exactly when I had my interview, but I couldn't get college acommodation so I stayed at a Bed abnd Breakfast and got a Taxi in, then left as soon as my interviews had finished. So I didn't get a chance to meet any other applicants or undergaduates.

Yes i am from state school, comprehensive infact, but I doubt that Cambridge discriminates in favour of state school applicants as there is no incentive to do so, and places are probably awarded on merit.
As for your friend who got rejected with 10A*s and 5As tough luck really.
They have too much of a life I guess!:smile: Spurge is permanently pissed so I'm surprised he manages to find the message board at all.. You'll quite possibly encounter Matt Legg on there (signed in as The Third probably - DON'T ask), he's a linguist doing French and Spanish I think. I may drag one or two of the first year linguists on for you if I can grab em:smile:

:frown: Why did I get neg repped for this? It's all true!:smile:
Reply 11
*and the tumbleweed blows* come on guys, there must be some more people out there who have something to say about the college?! any opinions, gossip etc remotely related to it would help!

Pri xxx
Hey guys! Was wondering if there's anyone out there who's got an offer from Sidney for next year, is there already or is going to study MML at Camb? Anyone MML people wanna tell me what the course is like at Cambridge? There don't seem to be many MMLer's on the Sidney forums. I'm hopefully going to do German and Italian.
Any peeps from the wonderful Wirral out there too?

Priya xxxxx :smile:

My sister will be doing german and italian starting this october.
Reply 13
*and the tumbleweed blows* come on guys, there must be some more people out there who have something to say about the college?! any opinions, gossip etc remotely related to it would help!

Pri xxx

It has a funky little bridge thing, but the building the other side of it smells of sick. And has done for the entire time I've been going there. Someone there has a broken leg. Her friend (my friend, who is at Clare) also has a broken leg. I was always led to believe it wasn't contagious but now I'm not so sure...
Reply 14
It has a funky little bridge thing, but the building the other side of it smells of sick. And has done for the entire time I've been going there. friend who was interviewed said her room stank of sick...wonder which building that was....czn't believe theyre refurbing blundell though! rooms are so nice there! least i wouldn't be cold in the winter.. :tongue:
Reply 15
Hey guys! Was wondering if there's anyone out there who's got an offer from Sidney for next year, is there already or is going to study MML at Camb? Anyone MML people wanna tell me what the course is like at Cambridge? There don't seem to be many MMLer's on the Sidney forums. I'm hopefully going to do German and Italian.
Any peeps from the wonderful Wirral out there too?

Priya xxxxx :smile:
Hi, I've got an offer for MML at Downing (French and Russian). Are you doing both languages post A-level or starting one from scratch?
Reply 16
I got an offer from Sidney Sussex for Maths, quite surprised really as my interviews didn't seem to go very well and I have quite poor GCSE's.
Not from Wirral though, don't even know where it is,


Did you meet someone called David Man at your interview, chinese lad? Hes a friend of mine, applied for maths at sidney sussex.
Reply 17
im definitely not applying for sydney sussex, a good friend of mine got rejected last year with 10a* and 5as at alevel - this doesnt give me a good impression

YThats a bit of a silly thing to say really, loads of good people get rejected, if noone applied to colleges where good people got rejected then noone would ever apply anywhere! I know it puts you off, but it s bit unhelpful for other people.
Reply 18
Oh , and my frind has a plac there. It has a reputation for beinf small and fiendly from what ive heard.
Reply 19
Hi, I've got an offer for MML at Downing (French and Russian). Are you doing both languages post A-level or starting one from scratch?

i'm doing german post-alevel, and italian kinda from scratch- i get private tuition, but i doubt i'll get very far by the end of the summer, would prefer to be streamed into the lowest possible group so i can keep on top of the vocab more easily.