The Student Room Group

it hurts, am i normal??

really need advice here. ive had sex quite a lot now, with 3 different people, and every time, no matter how excited i am or how wet..sorry...dont know how else to put that, it always HURTS loads, to the point of where the pain hurts more than the pleasure. sometimes even fingering hurts me. i dont get whats wrong, because im not a virgin, and ive had all this done to me loads of times, yet it hurts!!! what can i do??? why is this?? im talking the standard missionary position here as well!!!! please dont suggest lubricant...too embarrassing, i dont think i need it!!
well, hate to say it, but lubricant is step one
you may be small, or indeed they may be big, or both.

Steady stretching exercises. Stay off of sex for a while, coz you're expecting it to hurt, so it'll hurt! once you gradually work up to penis size you may find you wont expect the pain!

Do you have a vibrator? Thats a great place to start. Just slowly get used to using it alone, and then introduce it to your bf, and it'll get hopefully less painfull and then not at all.