Okay well, at college, I hang out with this group of people who've done the lot - sex, drugs, everything. They talk openly about smoking and doing drugs and their sex (and love) lives. I'm a virgin in both respects - I've never smoked (not even tobacco) and I've never slept with someone. I'm kind of experienced when it comes to the relationship front (I've had two relationships in the past two years lasting a week or a week and a half, with a huge gap in between each relationship).
It's not as if they intentionally try to leave me out, but obviously I'm going to feel it as they've done it all and I haven't. I usually think of myself as someone who doesn't bow down to peer pressure (I've been pressured to sleep with someone, I said no. Offered a cigarette, said no, and so on), but I've lately felt like I should at least try these things (and kid myself that I just tried for the experience and not because my friends do it) so I'd feel...included. I'm also older than a lot of these people - I'm eighteen soon, I've already been at college a year, and they've just come out of school, sixteen years old.
I've been wanting to distance myself from them recently also - as if it's a sort of "I feel left out so either I embarrass myself further by nodding along to what they say, try drugs for the sake of it, or walk away from the group". They are really nice - they're not malicious or anything, and I don't hate them or dislike them for the lifestyle choices they make (what they want to do is their business) but I just...it's effecting me in a way I didn't realise would happen.