primark is wicked but u can get so much nicer things in top shop it has to be said but only when you have a rumage. p.s dnt work in primark I do and its crap!
umm Primark for amazing bargins! recently i havent liked the look of topshop...a lot of quite strange stuff in my opinion! it makes u feel great when u go into primark and pick up a top for a couple of quid when you could buy it in topshop for £20!
i tend to check out both, but buy from neither, as primarks too plain & straightforward, whilst personally i think topshop is the same, but 10x the price...
i prefer charity shops, though i know a lot of people don't like the thought of clothes from them, a lot of the best stuff in my wardrobe are from them, u should def have a look if u've never!!
I wouldn't call Topshop 'upmarket' hehehe. I like both; with Primark I know my clothes won't last forever and ever but they have some nice stuff in there and as you said, you get a lot for your money.
Topshop isn't expensive in general terms but the clothes aren't spectacular so I think the stuff's a bit overpriced.
I've never bought anything from Primark. In fact, I've only been into one twice and I utterly hated it both times.
So, I guess I'd have to say I prefer Topshop! I generally find that if I go into Topshop, there'll be something I'll want to buy, even if its just a necklace or t-shirt or something.
Primark! i saw a pair of shoes,for about £60 in a magazine and i got the same shoes (or something really similar) for about £15. and i went out one morning after reading the independent magazine (on a saturday) and most of the stuff in the magazine,i saw them at the primark store for loads cheaper! the exact smae things! so really it's primark really but then topshop does have some good stuff,but i mostly got there during the sales
Primark is just so much more student budget friendly I think that although the shops aren't the most pleasant retail environments and the clothes are sometimes bad quality it doesn't really matter. Afterall, by the time most of my clothes have fallen apart they are out of fashion anyway
Topshop in my opinion is usually not great. The clothes can look a bit OTT and the plainer stuff is usually available cheaper in Primark anyway.
Both! I couldn't buy everything from primark, and I couldn't buy everything from Topshop. I like to get my clothes from loads of different places- topshop, zara, miss selfridge, warehouse, debenhams, primark and sometimes supermarkets like tesco have great stuff!!
Love both but being a student I'm pretty skint most of the time! Primark is great for accessories like bags, shoes, belts, jewellery. Go to topshop more for my clothes though
I don't tend to shop in Topshop, just because I never see anything I like other than jeans and Tshirts which I can get cheaper elsewhere. I prefer River Island for jeans over Topshop.
I like Primark for pumps,vest tops, jewellery etc - got loads from there and they are just the same as in the more expensive shops.
I'd like to go to Primark and have a look around, but there isn't one in central london, and i don't like going to the outskirts. =/ I'd like to have a look when i go home though. I once bought two skirts for £9, but i have never worn them. So it's probably good they were so cheap.
You can't really compare them. Topshop replicates things from the catwalk and is completely fashion-centred whereas Primark replicates only the cheapest items from stores like Topshop and the choice is much more limited.