The Student Room Group


Lately I've been depressed/stressed/anxious mainly about exams and school; it's like I dread each day of it. It's hard to keep conversations going but I can generally act happy for other people; however....
Lately, I've found that certain situations make me feel uneasy - I don't know why - and I feel like I could just cry. THIS IS NOT GOOD. I think I'm developing a fear of crying in public... what should I do?
Reply 1
Take life one day at a time. Try to keep a positive attitude as much as you can. Also theres nothing to be ashamed of if you want to cry.
Reply 2
i felt like that before my january exams. If your main problem is school related then personally i recommend talking to friends or your subject teachers as if you don't the pressure will just build.

The teachers will probbly give extentions for deadlines or offer extra help so you feel more confident about your exams


ps. crying will probaly help if you don't let some of this stress out you could make yourself ill.