The Student Room Group


i think that i may need braces, i have like one tooth that is not in the right place, but i dont know if i want braces! im not too sure that i want them! also i do now wnat to remove any teeth! i heard that you need to remove the wisdom teeth in order to have braces fitted. i mean my teeth are not that bent, jsut one tooth that is annoying! so if anyone has any expierences, then please let me know, i dont think that i need the full "train tracks" but i jsut want one too straightened!!!!!

please help me!!!

my teeth is nothing like the following (click on the link)

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Go to the dentist and ask what they think.
Reply 2
thing is my dentist insists on doing somehting to my teeth! like drilling unessary holes and those nasty fillings, i hate my dentist sooo much!!! is dentist stuff free for students?
I think so. If it isn't, it should be a reduced fee anyways.

If you don't like your current dentist you can always ask to see another one? don't ask the dentist him/herself, but enquire at reception.
Reply 4
i think that i may need braces, i have like one tooth that is not in the right place, but i dont know if i want braces! im not too sure that i want them! also i do now wnat to remove any teeth! i heard that you need to remove the wisdom teeth in order to have braces fitted. i mean my teeth are not that bent, jsut one tooth that is annoying! so if anyone has any expierences, then please let me know, i dont think that i need the full "train tracks" but i jsut want one too straightened!!!!!

please help me!!!

my teeth is nothing like the following (click on the link)

stop looking at american websites. no wonder you're feeling worried.
Reply 5
You don't need wisdom teeth out to have braces. They wouldn't be for long anyway and there could be other options. I was given the choice between braces and having some teeth filed away and caps fitted. My dentist reccomended the caps and they're lovely. My younger brother has had braces for about a year and a bit and his teeth are unrecognisable compared to the state they were in before he had them! Go with what your dentist thinks is best. x x
Reply 6
I had braces for about four years, jaw surgery, and I'm now on retainers for the next four months. It's my dad's fault, damn his genes...

Anyway, braces will always be quite painful and irritating for about a week, after that, you really don't need to worry about them. They'll just become part of your daily life, no more of a burden than brushing your teeth.

You might need teeth removed if there's overcrowding, it varies from person to person. I had four taken out, but not my wisdom ones. If it's just one tooth, I wouldn't have thought there to be any reason to have your wisdom teeth removed, but you can always ask your dentist about the kind of treatment you'll be getting.

At the end of the day, you have a choice between wearing braces for a limited time, or having misaligned teeth for the rest of your life. If it's not that bad then maybe you can live with it, I don't know. You have to decide yourself.
Reply 7
ask your dentist... but if its not going to hurt you at all... consider whether its worth the trouble! Sometimes a crooked tooth can be cute... but if it is going to cause physical problems... then its a different story.
Reply 8
does braces hurt at all?
Reply 9
They can hurt a little bit for about half an hour or so when you have them tightened, but apart from that, no.
Reply 11
For a few days you'll have almost literally teething problems, it'll hurt while your mouth gets used to the metal invaders. After that, they won't hurt at all.

As long as you don't break them of course, so try and avoid bashing your head against a desk and/or wall :wink:
Hmm, not had much experience (aside from a few fillings - urgh) but my boyfriend had 'too many teeth' and so had some taken out. I'm not sure if thats the same as you having ' a tooth in the wrong place'. If its in an inconspicuous place, could you perhaps just have it removed? In the end, your dentist will have to be the one who gives you advice though. Hope its not too painful for you! xxx
No worries mate, i've had my affectionately named "roof tooth" for about 5-6 odd years now, basically its like two teeth side by side but really thin teeth so its only about as wide as a molar near the back of my mouth (its hard to explain) basic overcrowding i suppose, only noticeable if you like walking around with your head back, mouth wide open with a spotlight down there :wink:

I went to the dentist and he said it was fine, it wasnt making its slow way to my brain to feast on the juicy flesh there and my teeth were fine (still had to have one out because of my nefarious sweet tooth though, damn him)

I would still advise going anyways but at the end of the day they cant make you have braces if you dont want them. You could probably ask to have a different dentist if the worst comes to the worse for a second opinion or something.

PS Im terrified of the dentist too :smile:
i think that i may need braces, i have like one tooth that is not in the right place, but i dont know if i want braces! im not too sure that i want them! also i do now wnat to remove any teeth! i heard that you need to remove the wisdom teeth in order to have braces fitted. i mean my teeth are not that bent, jsut one tooth that is annoying! so if anyone has any expierences, then please let me know, i dont think that i need the full "train tracks" but i jsut want one too straightened!!!!!

please help me!!!

my teeth is nothing like the following (click on the link)

your wisdom teeth won't be removed....and braces isn't bad at all, i'll probably get them eventually
Reply 15
I had to wear different kinds of braces for nearly 3 years but it was well worth it. My teeth are normal now and I feel so much more confident.
You should get them fixed while treatment is still free cos when your an adult you have to pay.
Reply 16
so treatment is free for me still, i am born on the 8th of august and im 17 now! becuase the braces wont make much of a difference for someone like me, but i have a tooth that is like a lil bent!!! how bent was the teeth of you guys, im not talking like majorly here, i mean i dont have like over crowding or anything!!!
Teeth are all individual. My mouth is weird, and has overcrowding, but mild, and I never had braces, mainly cos if i did then I'd have lost a set a canines and I like them :biggrin:

Don't worry about your teeth unless they are causing problems or they look really bad.

Infact, don't worry bout anything unless it's gonna kill you is my philosophy!!
Just got the traintracks...been killing me for a while but now it's settled down. It makes sense though that you must suffer them for a couple of years. Like they say, no pain no gain!!
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