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Reply 1
tape worm? maybe your growing?
Reply 2
Well it is more than likely simply that you arenot providing your body withenough of what it needs. Six meals are recommended on average (obviously not all the same amount though)
tape worm? maybe your growing?

You're probably growing.
Try drinking water when you feel hungry and see if that helps, because often your body is telling you it needs water, but you mistake it for hunger and so eat, yet wonder why the hunger doesn't go away.
Reply 5
I eat 3 meals a day as normal, fair portions, and quite healthy, yet recently I've been feeling increasingly hungry - not literally all of the time, but sooner after I have eaten and for longer periods of time. It's a bit strange since I've not adjusted my meals in any way, or what type of foods I have, or portion size. Does anyone know why this may be, or what it could be a sign of?

Symptomatic of being a normal teenager who is growing and needs fuel for all the changes taking place.
Reply 6
Are you in a calorie deficit? If so after a period you will start to feel hungry all the time, its your bodys mechanism to fight against weight loss.
Reply 7
Thanks for all the responses

Anything - no, don't think it's a tape worm, and I think it's safe to say I've stop growing (had an early growth spurt!)

chaoringmeister - same as above :smile:

law:tongue:ortal - but I'm having 3 fair sized meals with normal snacks in between....and i haven't changed my diet yet I'm hungry within a couple of hours when I never used to be!

lil_lee - thanks, I'll try that idea! But if I have food in response to the hunger, it doesn't help much.... hmmmm.

imasillynarb - no, not as far as I'm aware - in fact, probably over in the calorie stakes!
Reply 8
Have you been exercising more? that can spur appetite. Also... stress, or lack of sleep.
Reply 9
I eat 3 meals a day as normal, fair portions, and quite healthy, yet recently I've been feeling increasingly hungry - not literally all of the time, but sooner after I have eaten and for longer periods of time. It's a bit strange since I've not adjusted my meals in any way, or what type of foods I have, or portion size. Does anyone know why this may be, or what it could be a sign of?

I'll bet you're a girl.
It could be more to do with the time of month and if I'm right it'll settle down again after a few days. Also, as has already been suggested, drink more water which should help.
Have you been exercising more? that can spur appetite. Also... stress, or lack of sleep.

lack of sleep spur appetite? wow that's something new.
Six meals are recommended on average (obviously not all the same amount though)

omg! six meals???? how the hell do you even find the time to have six meals in a day? and what qualified person can have recommended that to u? unless you mean little snacks in btwn meals, but then they're no way close to a real meal on my part...
it could be worms, it could just be you growing, or it could be you're peckish like me. i can have a meal and 30mins to an hour letter,i feel hungry,but not exactly,more like i have bite something and eat something. try carrot sticks or something healthy but nice,that way you don't snack on crisps. i find i like to chew or crunchy stuff not softish food. or just try drown out the hunger with loads of crisps. :smile: :hugs:
Reply 13
I eat 3 meals a day as normal, fair portions, and quite healthy, yet recently I've been feeling increasingly hungry - not literally all of the time, but sooner after I have eaten and for longer periods of time. It's a bit strange since I've not adjusted my meals in any way, or what type of foods I have, or portion size. Does anyone know why this may be, or what it could be a sign of?

I may not know the cause, but I have the solution - eat more.
I may not know the cause, but I have the solution - eat more.

But the OP has said that even when they do eat more, they still feel hungry. He/She can't just eat and eat everytime they feel hungry.

I'm betting the hunger is not actually hunger, just a sign that the body needs more water, which they are mistaking for hunger. Very often, a glass of water will stop the feeling of hunger, because we're not actually hungry.
Reply 15
Are you at uni?
I have had exactly the same problem since I've been here- I eat so much more during the day!! I think its just if I am bored, or because I have time to prepare nice food for myself. At school I was in lessons, and only really ate the food that I took. Didnt have lots of time to sit about and think about food!
Just try and eat as much as you need and control your hunger! Maybe eat foods that release energy over a longer period of time? Shreddies and carbs etc?
Reply 16
Again, thanks for all of the replies!

ladygrey - no, I've not particualrly been exercising - in fact, I'm a bit of an exercisephobe! :smile:

Zymoen - yes, I'm a girl, I must be so transparent! :biggrin: It could be 'time of the month' so to speak, but normally I just have the urge to eat more, ie. feel peckish, but this feels different: stomach well and truly rumbling!

Shylock - thanks for your advice :hugs: I'm going to snack on healthier food, for sure....

LibertineNorth - haha, so simple a solution! But I don't WANT to eat more: I already consume a decent, normal amount of food within my daily 3 meals.... the suggestion from another poster that I should maybe have 6 smaller meals per day could work, but it's not ideal to fit in within my daily life!

djk_99 - no, I'm still at school :smile: And I eat SO many carbs it's untrue! But thanks anyway...
np anon :smile::wink:
I can't believe nobodys asked..??

Is there a possibility you might be pregnant?
i'm not pregnant lol i've been peckish all my life. and if you're pregnant you have cravings not feeling hungry 24/7. :p: