The Student Room Group

2 things

1. I recently started to get dry skin, my first thought was that maybe this was due to too much washing (I would shower twice a day most days). However I have since cut that down to just once on most days and it has stayed as bad, perhaps even worse. It's worse on my face and back, but is also on my arms and legs to a lesser extent. I moisturise the affected areas but it's still there. Any tips?

2. I've noticed that on my penis I have these speckles (only word I can think of to describe them). Now I'm a virgin that washes his penis regularly under the foreskin so I can't figure out why I have them. They go along the the bottom of the helmet next to where the foreskin meets it. They are quite small but they go along it...barely noticeable. I have had them for quite a while I'm sure.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
1) It might be your diet. I get really bad skin when I don't eat "properly". Try eating Five A Day (fruit and veg) and drink lots and lots of water. Try it and see if it makes a difference.

2) You've got me on that one.... :confused: sorry I can't help! :redface:
1) stop the obsessive showering its bad for you. could be ecthsma (really cant seem to spell it) Make sure you keep hydrated and that you get enough vitamins and fibre. some e-45 may help.

2) cant help, are they like, little blood spots under the skin, just red pinpoints? they can come up from anything, sun exposure often, and ill assume its not that :redface: but it can be just abbrassion, have you been masterbating more than usual? washing too vigourously?

I dont know really. cant help
1 - My brother had something simular. The doctor was able to recommend some cream for the dry skin which has helped a lot. Try seeing you doc.

2 - I have those too. I believe they are common on all guys.
Reply 4
The things on my penis are just these small raised white dots...if that makes sense.

My diet hasn't changed from when before I got the dry skin.
hmm, get some cream for the dry skin
dunno about the spots, sorry
though thinking on it, has there been a change in washing power/fabic conditioner lately? That may be some kind of rash?
Reply 7
Hmm I suppose it could be the soap. I use Imperial Leather soap always.
dunno about the penis, but the vaginas not meant to be soaped, only watered, so maybe soap is bad for it.

Speaking of, you dont soap your face do you? THATS BAD BAD BAD if you do! Makes your skin dry out
Do you mean little white specks that are kind of under the skin on the underside?

If so, I've got them too, think they're pretty common.
Do you mean little white specks that are kind of under the skin on the underside?

If so, I've got them too, think they're pretty common.

I don't think he means them - I think he means more around the head, when you pull all the way back.

But yeah, I've got the underside things too.
Lauren Hart
dunno about the penis, but the vaginas not meant to be soaped, only watered, so maybe soap is bad for it.

It is meant to be soaped.
Reply 12
Reply 13
About question 2) I have the same thing, and I'm not really concerned about it. I think it may be, as someone said before, something to do with how/how much you masterbate. Be careful with what you put there (in terms of soap) because the skin there is obviously very sensitive, so that might not help.
It is meant to be soaped.

You don't want to get soap in anywhere cause that'll sting. Not pleasant.