Well sometimes when im just about to fall asleep, i have a really weird thing that happens. It feels like when u fall down a kerb and your heart nearly jumps out your mouth. Ill just be there nearly asleep then i have that thing happen .. its kinda scary lol
Has anyone else have this too? And why does it happen
i remember hearing that most people get it. I definitely do.
I'm trying to do some coursework at the moment so i shouldnt waste anymore time on the internet, but try the BBC & channel 4 websites. I'm pretty sure there's a proper explanation of it on one of those (but i forget which....)
I usually have it like once a fortnight where I will be asleep, not having a proper dream but I will randomnly feel myself fall, mainly off a step or over a kerb and just before I hit the ground I wake up.
phewww, glad im not the only one ... was starting to think i had some kind of demon insida me .. mwahahaa (hmmm, think im over-tired, silly remarks aye)
Stop sleeping so close to the edge of the bed. Only joking. Yeah, I have it occasionally, as I'm drifting off, and always open my eyes suddenly, just before I 'hit the ground'. It doesn't bother me half as much of other things I sometimes have, though.
lol, my family think its so funny when i do it in the car or on the sofa. lol. i do it alot when im not actually in bed at night, but dozing in general. Its very blushworthy!
also, does anyone else feel that dyslexia is a bloody difficult word to spell if you are actually very dyslexic? kinda oxymoronic. Sorry, Dyslexic_banana made me think of it.
Well sometimes when im just about to fall asleep, i have a really weird thing that happens. It feels like when u fall down a kerb and your heart nearly jumps out your mouth. Ill just be there nearly asleep then i have that thing happen .. its kinda scary lol
Has anyone else have this too? And why does it happen
yeah I've had that loadsa times, I'm drifting off and all of a sudden its like I'm falling and hit the bottom and then I wake with a start.
For me it usually feels like I'm turning and falling backwards. Oddly though, it sometimes feels like I'm stumbling forwards on the stairs or something, and when it does I can picture that happening, like a snapshot of a dream.
I have a med student friend who comes froma family of doctors and I asked her about this once. She said she's heard that it happens when your heart skips a beat. That might possibly be it.