I think most people are forgetting the point here. It's that the OP feels neglected, they don't necessarily just want a party. I agree, it is up to to you somewhat to arrange your own days out etc. For example, my mum and dad just give me presents, cards etc and then I went to London on a shopping trip for my 17th. Otherwise, I myself haven't had a party since I was like 9 or something!
The OP feels like their parents don't have any time for them. I mean come on, who on their birthday would want to babysit

I don't like doing that when it's NOT my birthday!
To some extent, it is partly understandable as parents have so much to do and you have your younger siblings etc. You just need to talk to them, tell them that sometimes you would like a bit of time on your own with them, go out for a meal or something.
Also, on the lift back thing, well they're not taxi services anyway.
I always get taxi's if my parents are too tired. I mean you are an adult now and everything. Though, I do admit that I'd be annoyed if my parents always made me get lifts back and left me stranded as they are relatives and should always want their children to be safe.
I think the key to this is being independent but at the same time talking to your parents because they should be rocks for you. At the same time, you have to learn that sometimes parents don't mean to isolate you, they are so run off their feet and I am sure they don't mean anything by it. Can I ask how many siblings you have? What ages? Maybe they just zap your parents of all their energy!
Chin up, who says you can't have cool parties?