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are any 1st year, or any vet students thinking about intercollating? i would love to do an intercollated year at liverpool, as i think its the most similar atmosphere to the RVC and i really like the facillities.

have any vetties intercollated? did you find it more difficult to get back into vettiness after a year science? is it more difficult having to get back into vettiness with the year bellow you and seeing your friends all in the year above?
Reply 1
Hello, My mates intercalated, seamlessly, at London. They didn't agree that the atmosphere's the same- they said that there's a little nurse v vet misfeeling, the yerar groups aren't as small and cosy and a lack of social calender compared to liverpool and although they enjoyed the experience at rvc, were pleased to come back to the camararderie and closeness of home that is liverpool.

Everyone I know who is intercalating at liverpool at the moment is enjoying it, and they're still totally involved with the vet faculty and social things, we see them nearly every day. I think some of them see it as a welcome rest from vet sci for a year, leaving them refreshed to start clinical, some even attend vet lectures in their spare time to keep their hand in.

I really wouldn't worry yourself though, you decide whether or not to intercalate at the end of third year some peeps even changed their mind on the first day of lectures lol!!

In your preclinical years, just bear in mind that its an option and if your involved with something like horse breeding or conservation projects in your spare time, think of a worthy project that a charity etc may sponsor you for so you can do it in your intercalation year. usually its 3rd year dissertation projects that make people want to intercalate and you've got years yet before that stage.

Hope this helps
Reply 2
ahh, see we usually intercollate after second year, so its a bit closer for me! our preclinical years are 1 and 2, then we move up to hawkshead for clinical. i really like the atmosphere of liverpool vet school! im very tempted to come and visit!! not saying i would change rvc for the world, i really love it and we do have a close year and lots of social things, im sure its just as much as the other vet schools and i dont understand how we have got the reputation of not being a friendly college, we are!!

hmm, im not so sure about it, think i just want to get into third year with the rest of my year, like you said <3, i dont want to leave my year!!