I knew a girl who was raped when she was drunk, and its not nice! Men should have enough self restraint to say, well, i dont know that she consents, so i wont screw her! The reasoning behind the clamping down, is that many men are claiming "she was drunk, its her fault" or "i didnt know she didnt say anything" well clearly she cant if shes too hammared to recall! I mean, think about it, how would you feel if you woke up in the morning and someone had had sex with you without your consent, knowledge or desire!
And then you get the guys who say "well, ye she was resisting, but i thought she just liked it a little rough, she never actually said no" I mean, unless you damn well know a little resistance is normal for her, then you damn well stop! Having done rape this year during criminal law and & justice in my law degree, there are loads of areas where its considered rape for a number of reasons, and rightly so! Men should take more care over whether or not a woman wishes to have consent. Is it that hard to say "are you ok with this?" five words, you can do it whilst pulling your boxers down! If the woman's too drunk to respond, then you shouldnt have sex with her! I hate this whole "well she was drunk so asking for it" or "what did she expect wearing THAT top"