The Student Room Group

Nightlife in Cardiff

The subject really says it all- what sort of nightlife/ student nights are on offer? Not just put on but the student union, but in the town too? Can't really think of a lot to add to this post... (I did a search for it and couldn't find anything, so I'm sorry if this thread has been done before!)

Also, if you can give me any reasons to come to Cardiff (to do English Lit) rather than go to Nottingham then that would be great :wink:

Thankye :smile:
Reply 1
Ok these are the usual student places on each night:
Monday- Tiger Tiger, and Fun Factory at the Union
Tuesday- Shipwrecked at Liquid
Weds- Rubber Duck at the Union
Thurs- Bounce (now at Walkabout)
Friday- Fun Factory at the Union
Sat- Come Play at the Union or just general go into town (but it is more expensive on the weekends, so the union is a good cheap option!)

Those are the places which specifically do student nights, but other places to go in Cardiff are Creation, The Philharmonic, Barfly if you are into alternative stuff, The Welsh Club (Club Ifwor Bach or something, I cant spell it!) and of course a load of bars and other clubs around. There's a 70's/80's club called Flares, another called Reflex which we arent exactly sure what the hell it is. There's 3 Wetherspoons in the city centre.
As well as clubs and pubs, there are 2 cinemas in the city centre, bowling, restaurants etc. There's also a lot of hanging around with your flatmates/friends too watching TV/DVD's and whatever. But there's always somewhere to go and something to do!
That's it off the top of my head!
Oh, and every week in the Ghair Rydd (Can't spell that either!) there is a list of everything thats on that week- gigs at places, and the typical student nights. So you can always have a look in there for ideas.
Reply 2
i dont go to Cardiff but i live there when not at Keele and the town has something to offer everyone. St Mary's street is the main place for all the clubs and most major ones are represented. Flares is good and so is reflex, Edwards, philarmonic has special memories for me as well. It truely is a great place i dont think you could ever get bored in Cardiff
Reply 3
Thankye for all the information :smile: So it's generally a mixture of music types then, from cheese to dance to alternative? Sorry to ask so many questions, it's just I'm having real trouble deciding where to go so everything counts!
Reply 4
Elusive Moose
Thankye for all the information :smile: So it's generally a mixture of music types then, from cheese to dance to alternative? Sorry to ask so many questions, it's just I'm having real trouble deciding where to go so everything counts!

To be honest, whichever uni you go to is going to have at least a good few thousands students, so thats a huge market. This means that there are always going to be loads of student nights, loads of clubs, loads of bars, and lots of stuff for students to do. There will be a good nightlife wherever you choose, so If I were you I would concentrate more on the academic stuff and the feel of the place. (Cardiff has a very nice feel to it, and is a great uni. Just come here! :wink: )
Reply 5
:p: But people say the same on the Nottingham forum :wink:
Whichever university you go to you'll have a good time, so just pick one, stick to it and never look back.
I love Metros for a good night out ... once you've become the smell it's all good!!
Reply 8
best spots in cardiff are definetly clwb ifor bach, hard rock cafe, barfly and metros! ooh, and the union is reeaaallly good too. always have such an amazing time when i visit mates in cardiff. go there. though, nottingham is good too. good luck choosing...
Reply 9
flares sucks. Its grab a granny in there usually. Reflex is an 80s club I think...

Metros is often ok, every time I end up there (usually a wed) its like a high school reunion though. The floor is sticky (apart from in the toilets where it may as well be ice you're walking on), the beer is warm, its dingy and dank. But well, a trip back home isn't the same without a drunken trip to metros (even though nearly every time we go there we say how crap it is...)

Also central cardiff had 5 spoons I think- central bar, the crockerton (well, strictly this is a lloyds), the gatekeeper, the prince of wales and this newish one down the bottom of st marys street that I can't remember the name of...
Reply 10
Not to mention that the Ernest Willows has the best toilets ever and isn't too far from town. Even if it is a bit of an old man's pub, I want to have a party in those toilets.
Reply 11
Not to mention that the Ernest Willows has the best toilets ever and isn't too far from town. Even if it is a bit of an old man's pub, I want to have a party in those toilets.

I'm intrigued...tell me more Kate!

When we last went to weatherspoons we spent about half an hour on the swively chairs in the toilets there, taking pictures with our cameras...we got some strange looks from people walking in.
Reply 12
Ernest Willows is my local spoons, only about 5mins from where I live. The toilets are amazing. It's like Harrods in there...
Reply 13
Not to mention all the bars and cafés in Cathays too. I miss Cardiff :frown:
Yeah, that wine bar that's like someone's converted front room on Cathay's Terrace with all the horrid wicker furniture is quite pleasant. Buffalo is my favourite place in Cardiff, it knocks the socks off other places. Yes, its expensive (well, its regular bar prices) but that keeps the numbers sensible and the guys there work really hard to have properly alternative nights (breakdance battles to jazz) and work hard to promote new bands. The decor's great and the food is v. fresh & well-prepared. I know most students won't go there as its too pricey for them, but in a way, that just adds to the appeal of the place.
Reply 15
There's a 70's/80's club called Flares, another called Reflex which we arent exactly sure what the hell it is.

Flares is meant to just be 70's and then Reflex is meant to be an 80's club. :smile:

To add on from what's already said Jumpin Jaks usually has a big student crowd on Tuesdays, haven't been in ages mind. Something like £5 entry and 4 'free' drinks??

Also, Lloyd's Bar (one of the weatherspoons) is usually packed at the start of a night out (actually.. usually stays that way on weekends too).. The Gatekeeper (near Clwb Ifor Bach) is another weatherspoons and even cheaper).