The Student Room Group

Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama???

I am applying to RWCMD for Theatre Design, but since Im an international applicant I kinda feel lost with this whole application thing :hmmmm:

Does anyone have any info about the school, like how it comapres to other art schools for Theatre Design or Costume Design...

I have a pretty good chance at recieving an offer, but really wanted a secnd opinion concerning the colleges reputation, as well as life in Cardiff.

Please Please Please HELP

:snoozing: just like the reason for it. lol
I'm a ex student of RWMCD ( just part time though) and I have to tell you that it is really good. It has a really good theatre design department - I was a Music student though, so can't really offer any more info on that.
Life in Cardiff is amazing - it is a very cultural city, has a brilliant shopping centre (4th in the UK), has amazing transport links, has a waterfront and plenty of beaches within public transport distance, and is generally a very relaxed and postivie place to live.
Reply 2
howdy, i've got a place to do theatre design at royal welsh, and it is one of the best courses around. personally i'd say it was joint top for theatre design with wimbledon, as it mixes both design and making and all the areas available really-its jam packed. i'm guessing you are more geared towards costume which was the same as me and there is a good course the arts institute at bournemouth, a really good costume course but its more towards for screen rather than stage. sorry its a bit late but it is a amazing school so good luck and you never know we might end up meeting
My friend's mum is actually a teacher (or lecturer or whatever) there... she's AMAZING at what she does, the clothes that she makes are really brilliant. Her name's Ruth Woodington... she's lovely.
Reply 4
Heya! Im studying for a Bmus music degree at Cardiff university which is just down the road from there! Cardiff is a brilliant place to be a student in, there is lots of life and culture, with plenty of opportunities for music making. The Welsh college is of equal standing to the Royal Northern and Academy etc aswell, so definately come to Cardiff! :biggrin:
Reply 5
Heya! Im studying for a Bmus music degree at Cardiff university which is just down the road from there! Cardiff is a brilliant place to be a student in, there is lots of life and culture, with plenty of opportunities for music making. The Welsh college is of equal standing to the Royal Northern and Academy etc aswell, so definately come to Cardiff! :biggrin:

Bear in mind I'm speaking in terms of music.

Without intending to be rude, nope...The Academy and Royal Northern are world class institutions - there's no shame at being second best to the likes of them. Don't get me wrong - I'm not dissing the Royal Welsh (I've got mates there), it's just that it's not as outstanding as RAM and RNCM...
Reply 6
The Welsh college is of equal standing to the Royal Northern and Academy etc aswell, so definately come to Cardiff! :biggrin:

There's noway that's true I'm afraid. I know someone who works there and even he admits their main competitor is the Birmingham Conservatoire. The Academy, Royal Northern, Royal Scottish, Royal College, Guildhall and even Trinity are much better.
Reply 7
Lol "even Trinity"
to be fair, the reputation of Trinity gets better every year!
Reply 9
i'm sorry but thats complete rubbish. if the royal welsh is of such a bad calibre, explain to me why people decide to go there OVER the royal northern. also i went to london for an audition at the royal college recently and stewardess person (who was a student at the college) told me she had gone to the royal welsh for her undergrad and was now attending the royal college for her postgrad. explain please- if the royal welsh is not turning out students of a high enough calibre, how come the royal college accepted her? they must be turning out students of at least royal college standard. so they are on par. what you said was just sheer snobbery.
I don't think it's just snobbery. Of course, the students of the Welsh college are still generally of a high standrad, but in my experience people who go there tend to be those who have been turned down by the RNCM and the RSAMD and the RAM, RCM and Guildhall are just in a different league. That is not say that every person who goes to the RNCM or even RCM is going to leave his/her degree a better musician than those who go to Cardiff; it's just a generalisation. RWCMD does however a better reputation than Birmingham and a much better reputation than Leeds.
Anyway, the original question was about theatre design, so none of this really relevant.