The Student Room Group

erm strange question

Im posting anonymous incase it annoys people, anyway I kinda have a crush on my judo instructor (female) and she was routing through her sports bag last week to give me my t shirt Id forgotton from last time, I suddenly saw a christmas card in the bag which I gave her about a year and half ago:confused: I remember giving it her along with everyone one elses but I just found it odd. It clearly doesn't mean she likes me as she probably didn't display it, but what do you think, she just doesn't clean her bag out?
Reply 1
So what was the question? if she clearly doesn't like you?
Reply 2
I personally would think her bag just hadn't been cleaned out - if she really liked you in that way I doubt the card would be festering in her gym bag..I think it's merely a case of absent mindedness- I myself am very guilty of it at times.

I couldn't see anyone elses card in their and she got one from most people, my first thought was maybe im not important enough to go on her mantlepiece. I kinda agree with you really, Im being sad and over analysing it:smile:
Reply 3
So what was the question? if she clearly doesn't like you?

I didn't say she clearly doesn't like me:smile:
Reply 4
Im posting anonymous incase it annoys people, anyway I kinda have a crush on my judo instructor (female) and she was routing through her sports bag last week to give me my t shirt Id forgotton from last time, I suddenly saw a christmas card in the bag which I gave her about a year and half ago:confused: I remember giving it her along with everyone one elses but I just found it odd. It clearly doesn't mean she likes me as she probably didn't display it, but what do you think, she just doesn't clean her bag out?

:rolleyes: yes you did
Reply 5
:rolleyes: yes you did

No I didn't its slightly different.

Ok am I comming across as a sad loser with this thread? It sounds like it, wish I hadn't have bloody posted.:dontknow:
Reply 6
right ok. in this context, you're basically asking whether she likes you or not aren't you? And as you said the card incident clearly doesnt mean she likes you, and it is infact the card incident you are pertaining to, then she clearly does not like you. *breathes*

i dunno *shrug* i wouldnt read anything into it.
Reply 7
The way to tell if a girl likes you is her body language and her way of communicating with you i.e. flirty or goes all shy. Don't look for signs that aren't there.