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Still going - 22 months and counting!
5 and a half months...hmmm is that really excuse is that i'm 17 and just want to have fun at this age!!
A year and 5 days :smile:
Reply 4
3 and a half years and still counting :smile:
Longest relationship about 3 months, shortest serious, yes serious relationship was 3 days, i think i hold the record:p:
Reply 6
25 months ............. before that my record was 11 months .......... although I dont think this will be my last relationship
23.5 months :smile: 24 on April 5th!!
Reply 8
15 months. Pretty much the only relationship I really 'count' - the others were just like a week or two and didn't mean much.
Reply 9
mines two and a half years and got dumped by a text mgs
13 months and counting :biggrin:
Reply 11
20 months .. but had really been on and off the last 6 months :frown:
last guy was about a month and a half, been kinda cing a guy for about 4 weeks now, have to see how this one goes...
3 and a bit years.
Reply 14
4 years and 2 months and still going strong!
3 months now!!scary stuff the 'L' word has been mentioned:s-smilie:!!
3 months now!!scary stuff the 'L' word has been mentioned:s-smilie:!!
Reply 17
In the same position- and its only been a month and a half! (Longest relationship yet).
Almost 10 months and stronger than ever.
21 months and still counting!