Not sure if this is actually a health issue as such, but Im just wondering about this (thread title) as I has a screening at uni few days ago and have been refered to a psychologist for a proper assesment. Ive always strugled with various elements of school and work life, writing and memory being major factors, but I developed my own coping/avoidance skill. At school I just bunked off all the time so the teacher just put my poor work down to that, and after school I did physical jobs, building work mostly and got other people to do any paperwork.
But now Im at uni I cant hide the fact theres a problem, and now Ive been forced to askk for help coz I dont want to just give up.
Anyway Im just wondering if there is anyone out there in a similar situation or already diagnosed dyslexic, whats it like for you and where apart from uni can I seek help/advice.
I hate the situation Im in now, because Ive allways depended on myself and never asked for help, but now I realise that to complete my degree I may need all the support I can get.
I also keep feeling like it means I just thick and not cut out for academia.