The Student Room Group


Not sure if this is actually a health issue as such, but Im just wondering about this (thread title) as I has a screening at uni few days ago and have been refered to a psychologist for a proper assesment. Ive always strugled with various elements of school and work life, writing and memory being major factors, but I developed my own coping/avoidance skill. At school I just bunked off all the time so the teacher just put my poor work down to that, and after school I did physical jobs, building work mostly and got other people to do any paperwork.

But now Im at uni I cant hide the fact theres a problem, and now Ive been forced to askk for help coz I dont want to just give up.

Anyway Im just wondering if there is anyone out there in a similar situation or already diagnosed dyslexic, whats it like for you and where apart from uni can I seek help/advice.

I hate the situation Im in now, because Ive allways depended on myself and never asked for help, but now I realise that to complete my degree I may need all the support I can get.
I also keep feeling like it means I just thick and not cut out for academia.

im quite dyslexic and im sure ppl on these forums have noticed due to my "creative" spelling. dont give up or be scared to ask for help. there is so much they can do to help you get around the issue.

its so irritating when ppl just assume your thick or you get bad marks when you knew the answers but just couldnt word it proply. i have reasonably high iq but academia just isnt for me. it is a shame because i really enjoy english lit and could verbally give a good uni level answer to most questions even when i was doing my gcses. but **** happens and art is more fun anyway :biggrin:

gl i hope it all goes well. pm me if u wanna ask anything.
Reply 2
high priestess fnord

im quite dyslexic and im sure ppl on these forums have noticed due to my "creative" spelling. dont give up or be scared to ask for help. there is so much they can do to help you get around the issue.

its so irritating when ppl just assume your thick or you get bad marks when you knew the answers but just couldnt word it proply. i have reasonably high iq but academia just isnt for me. it is a shame because i really enjoy english lit and could verbally give a good uni level answer to most questions even when i was doing my gcses. but **** happens and art is more fun anyway :biggrin:

gl i hope it all goes well. pm me if u wanna ask anything.

Thanks for that. Yeah the verbal things the same for me, I struggle so much to write somthing down, but I can speak it out no problem, but it goes soon as i try n put pen to paper.
Firstly dont worry! I was diagonised about 4 months ago, and before that had kept putting it off, and off, until I finally went to the additional support people at college, who later confirmed my suspicions that I'm dsylexic.

Dyslexic can show itself in all different forms from slow writing speed to memory loss. And my no means does it mean you are thick - in my A2 module January exams for instance I got AAAAAAAB.

And although you may be faced by some ignorant people who associate dsylexia with stupidity, these people are certainly in the minority, and the perks of extra time, teachers notes and money for instance, far outweigh the attitude of these stupid select few.

More importantly still being assessed as dsylexia allows you to fulfil your full potential, something you have clearly gone along way to achieving independently.

Hope this helps x
Reply 4
I think alot of people see dyslexia as being 'thick' because alot of people with supposid dyslexia use it as an excuse to not attempt to work hard or mess around.
Reply 5
I think alot of people see dyslexia as being 'thick' because alot of people with supposid dyslexia use it as an excuse to not attempt to work hard or mess around.

Yeah thats another worry for me, if I am diagnosed as dyslexia im really worried that people are just going to think im trying for the sympathy vote. Ive allways found things dificult, with reading n writing n such but allways found a way round it without asking for help, ive always known theres a problem but never said anything, because I hate symapthy!!!
i havent had any tests done or anything but im most probably dyslexic too. but i believe there inst only black n white in this world. you can be very dyslexic or very little dyslexic, so depending on the amplitude of your problem u should take different approaches. :smile: ood luck!
Reply 7
i havent had any tests done or anything but im most probably dyslexic too. but i believe there inst only black n white in this world. you can be very dyslexic or very little dyslexic, so depending on the amplitude of your problem u should take different approaches. :smile: ood luck!

Yeah thats what I was told when I took the screening test last week, that there is varrious levels of dyslexia, Ive been told that Im most likely dyspraxic rather than dyslexic, which is more to do with poor co-ordination and memory skills.
Hi, Ive only recently been diagnosed dyslexic with dyspraxic tendancies! Its perfectly normal for these things to be "reaslised" a bit late! I had this a lot! lol, teachers used to yell at me for bad handwriting but it wasnt my fault! Dont worry about asking for help! If it helps thats what matters! Most you'll get is an hour a week with a dyslexia tutor, and generally i dont think they amount to much!

Its the things like the extra time and computer equiptment that help!