The Student Room Group

age gaps?

peeps can you help?

I'm a mature student at uni and have met a girl that i really like. I'm 27 and she's 18 coming up to 19. Does anyone (like me) think that this is too much of an age gap, i know it's not a huge difference but i feel a bit guilty because of it, i do like her but feel a bit worried that because shes a lot younger and more impressionable(?) that i feel like i'm sort of taking advantage of her.

It's a bit of a headwrecker for me, dunno what to do?


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Reply 1
I knew a couple with the exact same ages as you two; so it can work. It might feel weird at first for you both assuming it happens, but things work out. :hugs:
Reply 2
Well I guess it depends on the individual really and it's not morally wrong. However, I'm 23 and I wouldn't date somebody younger than i said depends on the individual.
It totally depends on the two individuals. When I was 19-20, I had a long-term relationship with a guy who was 32. We were really happy together, got on brilliantly with each other's friends, and in fact everyone said I was more mature than him :wink: In terms of compatibility it was the best relationship I've ever been in. He was my best friend, and the reasons we eventually broke up were nothing to do with the age gap. So it can work, very well. It depends entirely on the two of you, but don't rule it out just because of the gap.
Reply 4
yea i think it can work. one of my friends whos 18 is dating this guy who is 28 and theyve got a good relationship. tbh i think it would be stranger the other way round (27 yr old woman dating 18yr old boy) Plus some girls generally like someone a bit older anyway as theyre more mature.
Reply 5
I don't think its "wrong" or anything, but I would think twice about it purely because I'd be thinking, how much do we have in common, what can we get up to together, and how much can we be a part of each other's lives if we're doing different things (ie. working vs uni or whatever).

I'm not discouraging, because you can answer all of these questions perfectly well, in which case go for it!
Reply 6
Maturity may be an issue, I'm 19 and even I find girls my age painfully immature at times.
Reply 7
my bf's four years older than me and sometimes it's wierd but most of the time things are fine. so if you can try and make it work,then do so. if there's too much effort or you don't see it going anywhere then let her know and hoepfully it won't be about her age.
Reply 8
How about 18 and 24?
Reply 9
eh...that's ok me thinks..i think 8 years is the limit in my opinion but if the people or older like a 20 something and a thirty something year old guy,i guess they should be mature enough.
Thats fine.

You are both adults.

Just be aware that at 27, you may want to settle down but she is still young. She's probably going to want alot of freedom and even if she says she loves you for ever yadda yadda, she may still up and leave in a years time.

Go slow, be aware and you will be fine. Just don't expect too much.
Reply 11
well, i'm 18 and i'm going out with a guy who is 23 and its fine, coz we get along so well, if you get along with some one i dont think age is really an issue, there is 18 years between my mum and dad and they are fine.
I can't see a problem in any legal age gap to be honest.
Go for it; think how many years of good looks she's got in her, as compared to a woman your own age (well, nine, to be exact).
Reply 14
If I was the girl, I wouldn't be bothered :wink: I'd love it actually :biggrin:
I say that if you really care about each other, age doesn't matter. anyway, once you two start really getting into the relationship and each other, age is just a number
It's fine. They're the exact same ages as my mates were when they started going out, and there's nothing wrong there.
my bfs 25 and im 18. he has admitted to feeling like he was taking advantage but then it was a one night stand to begin with. i dont feel he took advantage at all. it was me who led him off to bed. i guess it depends on the situation and the people involved. if it feels right then go for it.
Reply 18
I know a girl who's 17 dating a 23-yr-old and I think they've been together since she was 16. Also, they've had a long-distant relationship for about a year and then she's returned cos she couldn't live without him. And I mean she is still some yrs younger than your girl and possibly more immature (? :biggrin:) so I'm pretty sure you'll be alright. :smile:
Reply 19
My mate is 18 and she goes out with a 28 year old and has been doing for a year so it can work. I was seeing a just turned 16 year old who was in year 11 a while back (im 20 btw) but no longer. I did at times think 'i probably should be going out with a girl nearer my own age' but i seem to have better success with younger girls for some reason? I cant pull girls my own age to save my life!