The Student Room Group
Reply 1
60 - 40 Female - Male apparently.
Reply 2

Yes, I found the statistics here

Sweet!!! More ladies to choose from.

Those statistics seem a bit abnormal to me. Must be the courses Reading provides.
Reply 3
so many unis have more women than blokes which is **** being female and straight!! I'm just hoping there's quality if there's not quantity!!:p:
Reply 4
*quality standing over here*:p:
Reply 5
*insert witty comment here* :tongue:
Reply 6
I could end up eating my words, of course. With that many girls to us guys, I wouldn't be surprised if the girls started to become aggravating after a while. As all of them are gonna want guy attention and there's only so many of us to go around. :rolleyes:
Reply 7
lol!!! every year every uni! people ask!!!!

i dont kno about reading, but u guys come down to hertfordshire!!!! we got quality and quantity (of ladies!!!!) :top: hahahaha!!!!!!!! :cool: erm, why am i thinkin of leavin again???:rolleyes:
Reply 8
60-40 isn't THAT extreme. Some Uni's are a lot worse (or better maybe? Depends what you think is good, I guess...)
Reply 9
Lots more girls than guys here , but i dont notice it. I never seem to experiance shortages when im on the prowl x
Reply 10
in the flats around me, it seems there are around 5 girls and 3 blokes in a flat, with a lot of top floor flats being all girls.

A lot of them aren't that great though :frown:

60-40 isn't THAT extreme. Some Uni's are a lot worse (or better maybe? Depends what you think is good, I guess...)

I've heard LSE are pretty uneven but don't quote me on that.