how significant is it to you if you take a persons virginity??
does it not bother you? are you flattered? does it make you more nervous or do you prefer it?
just after opinions really because people are generally very hung up on giving up their virginity but how does it feel to take another persons virginity?
how significant is it to you if you take a persons virginity??
does it not bother you? are you flattered? does it make you more nervous or do you prefer it?
just after opinions really because people are generally very hung up on giving up their virginity but how does it feel to take another persons virginity?
It was a real honour for me that a girl trusted and liked me enough to let me do something which was so special to them.
Don;t know as my boyfriend had already slept with other girls, but with me he said he was really nervous because he wanted it to be right, and was touched that I trusted him enough to let him do that to me.
The question is about how much significance you place on taking girl's virginity.
I just answered the question in my opinion (no one has to agree)
Significant, but much less significant in light of the other stuff.
Your taking the girls point of view, but I think the question was aimed at guys.
well yes, but it sounds like you're downplaying a girl's virginity, when it means a great deal to most, if not all girls. the question was aimed at guys and girls, so answering the OPs question, i would be flattered but pretty nervous.
pretty boy is right its about his opinion, so lets not flame a guy for having an opinion, each to their own, you ask a question expect a multitude of answers
What's with all these virginity threads lately. They are just going to make 90% of people feel miserable because losing there own wasn't perfect, or they haven't lost it yet, or they regret it yada yada yada.
pretty boy is right its about his opinion, so lets not flame a guy for having an opinion, each to their own, you ask a question expect a multitude of answers
lol i'm not flaming him, just picking an argument. he knows the score :P
Pretty Boy you always seem to post this same stuff in every thread remotely related. You are getting as bad as Lauren Hart telling everyone how she can't orgasm.
It doesnt mean as much to me if the girl has already given head or hand, or taken either. Or even let a guy at her breasts.(I dont mean just touching)
Its not such a big step for her then IMO, its really just the next step.
If she hasn't done any of those things, then its like the greatest gift she could ever give you.
Thats my true opinion.
I do hope that's what my boyfriend thought/thinks. I've never actually asked him straight out - "so how did it feel to you for me to let you do that?". I've never really needed to, I guess.
I hadn't done anything other than kiss guys before him and I'm so glad I didn't. Until I was with him, I hadn't ever actually thought about having sex with a guy or about any of the other "stuff", it was weird how when I was with him, I realised how much I loved him, and only then I thought about going further. I could never have given up something so important to any of the boys (emphasis on boys ) I had been out with before him...
I personally haven't and wouldn't sleep with a virgin but I remember when I slept with my first boyfriend for the first time he was very nervous about it. Lots of guys get very turned on by it though.
I personally haven't and wouldn't sleep with a virgin but I remember when I slept with my first boyfriend for the first time he was very nervous about it. Lots of guys get very turned on by it though.
Yep, because you can be really lazy and the girl will have nothing to compare it to. Hooray!