The Student Room Group
Reply 1

I totally agree with Pretty_Boy
Reply 2
i am quite possessive myself. but thats because my boyfriend has a history of cheating.
Reply 3
It would depend how gay/ugly they were.
Totally fine with it, I supose I've always been trustful of my boyfriend. Though I supose it depends on the situation, if I knew she fancied him and say, he'd liked her in the past I would be more wary but I'm still not sure if I'd even get to the "little worried" mark. You've got to trust you boyfriend/girlfriend or you won't apreciate them properly; you'll argue/be annoyed with them for hugging one of their friends etc.
Reply 5
Pretty Boy
You've no choice.

No trust - no relationship.

No trust = time to walk away.

Wow I agree with you!!! :biggrin::biggrin:
This is a good day :smile:
Reply 6
Pretty Boy
You've no choice.

No trust - no relationship.

No trust = time to walk away.

That was well said.
I would be jealous and upset, but unfoundedly so (one hopes) but that is just because I get jealous very easily - even when I know it is illogical to do so.
Reply 8
I totally trust my boyfriend and he has loads of female uni friends etc. which spend lots of time with him - but i know that he'd never do anything (well i believe so anyway :smile:)
i would have huge issues if my bf minded. how would i get my *male* flatmate to fix my pc?? what about if i want a mate over? he has to sleep on my floor so that would be even worse.

there agian we trust each other to the point that i didnt mind when he had an ex round for the weekend because she needed a soulder to cry on so i guess we are just lucky.
I know how you feel! I'm not possesive, but more the jealous type. I guess it's partly because I was in love with someone else whilst with my ex (didn't act on it until me and my ex were well and truly over, after him being a complete a**hole!) I avoided the guy I liked (who also happened to be my best mate - HOW complicated?!) and it just scared me that although I was completely smitten with and devoted to my ex (who I was with for 14 months) and yet I somehow managed to fall in love with my best mate (although he's such a lovely bloke that everyone was telling me to just dump my ex and be with him. I couldn't do that, though because I still loved my ex). Basically, it's not my boyfriend I don't trust; it's human nature and the way we can fall in love so easily, even when committed to the 'love of my life'.
Original post by Fluent &#953
I would be jealous and upset, but unfoundedly so (one hopes) but that is just because I get jealous very easily - even when I know it is illogical to do so.

Me too! and you're there like "this isn't normal or right" but however much you tell yourself you're wrong, you still feel that way. It sucks.
I'd be fine with it, because I know there's no chance whatsoever of him cheating. I trust him implicitly. :love:
Reply 13
it totally depends on the situation. if it was his ex gf that he had history with id be jealous and paranoid yeh. if it was my best mate i cudnt care less.
being possessive and trying to find out what your partner is up to every 2 minutes kills any relationship
I wouldn't feel that great about it, even if I was 100% sure that nothing would happen, if that makes sense, but it wouldn't be an issue or anything.
You can get them to trust you and realise that their overpossesiveness is illogical but I don't think you can really stop it: it's in their nature.
Reply 17
if it was my boyfriend and my best friend I wouldn't have a problem at all with it. I'd just assume my friend was helping him plan a nice surprise for me or something! In the end I'd want my friend and my boyfriend to get on so it's got to be a good thing.
Again the whole thing depends on the situation if its a really flirty person then obviously you'd be more uncomfortable.
Reply 19
Firebird do you get someone to stop being possessive? And how do you figure out if someone likes you because you are a nice person, or likes you in *that* way?

I honestly don't think you can. I think it's a kind of personality trait, so even if they trusted you completely they'd feel a tiny bit jealous, just because they're insecure in themselves.