The Student Room Group

Absolutely no confidence in myself and appearance

This is gonna sound very weird I think. Im a 19 year old guy, very very shy and quiet, and although I wouldnt say Im fat or overweight, I have quite a stocky and 'fuller' build.

I dont have any confidence in my looks or appearance, or the way I talk and speak etc.

And I have a huge problem with clothes. I basically have a wardrobe full of stuff Ive brought and never worn, I always try stuff on before I buy but I dunno when I get home it just never feels right or suits me.

I only ever wear one blue fleece type jacket I have, its too small for me but ANY other jacket or coat just makes me look HUGE from the side and I dont like it:frown:

Anytime I go out I obsess about what Im wearing, not so I look 'good' (cos i never will) but, well I dunno really why I do it. I have so many differnt types of clothes, most people seem to just have a kind of style about them and what they usually wear but I just wear mundane stuff.

Whats wrong with me?
Reply 1
work out. Get a six pac. That'll give you confidence for sure.
Reply 2
First, I think its admirable that you're trying to look nice. Perhaps you should ask the sales people at the store to help you find clothes that suit you. Second, you really shouldn't worry about the way you look, other than for health purposes. There are plenty of women who like/prefer bigger guys.
Yikes, that sounds like me (fuller build). Except that I don't have as big a problem as you seem to have.

I assume it's your side profile you're unhappy about? It's like that with me. I look fine from the front, but ridiculously "big" from the side. I have a fair bit of fat, but am not overweight...