The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I know how you feel, i feel the same way about some1 right at this very moment. They are always in the back of my mind 24/7 regardless of whether im occupied or not. Abscence makes the heart grow fonder, i just make sure everytime i see this person i show them how much ive missed them! :smile:
Reply 2
Call them, use Messenger, email, text, letter, soooo many ways in modern society to keep in touch!
It fades with time. A little.
My gf's away on holiday and I miss her insanely. We're constantly texting which helps a bit. Missing someone a lot just shows how much you care. The best thing to do is keep urself busy any way possible. Try doing stuff that'll make you think to keep ur mind off them. Absence definitely does make the heart grow fonder.
Reply 5
Since I came back to Uni I've been missing all my best friends back home, and it hasn't attenuated with time. Seeing some of them this term (even twice!) made it even worse in some ways... and I can't get them out of my mind. I suppose its slightly a feeling of paranoia that they don't miss me in the same way, but then again I wouldn't blame them for how much it hurts. A lot.
I miss someone but I know I can't be with them again so I'm trying to focus on other things and other guys, it's hard but you'll miss them less in time
Reply 7
you're being manipulated...
My boyfriend's in Iraq at the moment, and I didn't realise it was possible to miss someone as much as I do. It's like an actualy physical pain and sometimes I feel so pathetic coz I honestly can't stop thinking about him. It makes it worse that I have to wait until he can call me, and all I can do is email or write, but sometimes he can't even read an email for ages if he's too busy. For me, I cope with missing him just by counting down the days til his tour finishes (Only 7 weeks to go!!) and remembering that he's coming home to me. It is hard, I think it's one of the worst feelings imaginable, but I suppose it's better for me coz he's on the phone most nights telling me he loves and misses me as much as I do him.
Sorry, I didn't mean to be anonymous then!
Oh my God, or then!
Reply 11
My boyfriend's in Iraq at the moment, and I didn't realise it was possible to miss someone as much as I do. It's like an actualy physical pain and sometimes I feel so pathetic coz I honestly can't stop thinking about him. It makes it worse that I have to wait until he can call me, and all I can do is email or write, but sometimes he can't even read an email for ages if he's too busy. For me, I cope with missing him just by counting down the days til his tour finishes (Only 7 weeks to go!!) and remembering that he's coming home to me. It is hard, I think it's one of the worst feelings imaginable, but I suppose it's better for me coz he's on the phone most nights telling me he loves and misses me as much as I do him.

my ex committed suicide after commin back from iraq war. sorry it was randiom- just i only found out yesterday....feels so weird everyones dying n hurting round me
Thanks for that
*hugs* well hugs allways work for me so i might as well spread the love :biggrin:
Yeah I miss sucks!
Get to see them soon though.
Reply 15
im missing someone sooo much too. but we'll never be able to talk or be friends again :frown:

it hurts a lot....theres times where it SEEMS like you've forgotten about the past with only a few thoughts of them each day or now and again...and then you see them again and all the hurt comes back and you spend the next few days absolutely feeling hopeless! i hope it passes quickly....i can't seem to do anythin but think about them....:frown:
Yeah I miss sucks!
Get to see them soon though.

Aww :p: Glad your happy
Mhmm. It's hard. I really miss three people, one, who used to be my best friend ever, who moved away a long time ago. And I miss him tons. But we call each other every week, and e-mail, but I still haven't seen a lot of him.
Secondly, I miss another guy friend who I used to be friends with who moved away as well, and we used to really really like each other. But now he's at college, and the last time I saw him didn't work out well, because I told him things couldn't work out, and I haven't seen him since :/
And another person I miss is a guy in Ireland who was perfect for me, but we live far away, and I told him also that I didn't want him to have this relationship with me, it wouldn't be fair on him. And I don't want to hurt him.
But it feels I'm losing a lot of people and that makes me sad :/
Sorry if I dumped too much on this thread. But I feel better now :smile: