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Why are men so annoying and they don't seem to realise? They do the stupidest things. My boyfreind is 24 and can be so childish and stupid and think its funny, for example today he followed me around Asda shouting 'Bitty' (as in Little Britain) at the top of his voice, i could have killed him, it was so humiliating, i was mortified. Also he talks about our sex life in shocking detail in front of our friends i can see my friends are so embarrased for me but his friends love it and i'm like why do you need to tell them everything. Men always seem to go on about how girls tell their friends about all there sexual 'adventures', i don't and my friends don't but he does and it annoys me, cos he thinks hes being really funny and clever even at the age of 24 and its just really pisses me off. Does anyone else have this kind of problem with their boyfriend?

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Reply 1
Why are men so annoying and they don't seem to realise?

Congratulations, you just anoyed and offended 50% of the population in a single sentence. Why do wommen do that? The answer is that they don't. Some ignorant people do and it causes a lot of frustration to the rest of us.
Reply 2

Women :rolleyes:

moan, moan, moan, moan, moan :smile:
Congratulations: you've just started the 50,000,000th anti-man thread. I hate to, err, generalise, but this is an example of another woman generalising; is it really most men? Or just your man? Seems to me as if women judge all men for a few men's actions; that's female logic, for you.

Anyway, he perhaps does it to deliberately be annoying, as opposed to unknowingly being so.
Reply 4

If it annoys you, tell him, i mean FFS men are not mind readers, far from it...i don't even pick up subtle hints easily, has to be blindingly obvious, spell it out straight. I hate people who skirt around the issue and make it waffley, just spit it out, tell it straight/how it is.

If he loves you, he'll change for you.


P.S. FFS guys, we all generalise, don't take offence at it, everyone does it, its not personal! Just let it go!
Reply 5
Hehe. Well said :yy: I talk about my sex life with my friends, because I'm open about it. Just part of me.

Women ey?

Reply 6
Why are men so annoying and they don't seem to realise? They do the stupidest things. My boyfreind is 24 and can be so childish and stupid and think its funny, for example today he followed me around Asda shouting 'Bitty' (as in Little Britain) at the top of his voice, i could have killed him, it was so humiliating, i was mortified. Also he talks about our sex life in shocking detail in front of our friends i can see my friends are so embarrased for me but his friends love it and i'm like why do you need to tell them everything. Men always seem to go on about how girls tell their friends about all there sexual 'adventures', i don't and my friends don't but he does and it annoys me, cos he thinks hes being really funny and clever even at the age of 24 and its just really pisses me off. Does anyone else have this kind of problem with their boyfriend?

You've answered your own question.
Get yourself a MANfriend. I mean, if you must hang around with "boys", what the hell do you expect.
Try getting a more sensitive boyfriend.
Reply 8
But...if the guy doesn't know then it surely is a bit harsh to dump him on the basis of something he didn't know was annoying her?

I mean would you like to be dumped for something you have no idea what you have done!?

You have to talk to him, explain your problem about his behaviour and as I said, if he truly loves you he will change. if he doesn't change then you have more of a right to move on, but equally people don't change over night (you are asking him to change parts of his personality/how he behaves here!) so give it a while before you give up.

Men never grow up, they are always 5 year olds at heart...just that side is shown less often as we grow up!

I was assuming she had mentioned it.
Reply 10
thats alright then :biggrin:

altho never assume, it makes an ass out of all of us!
Well you are assuming she hasn't. :wink:
Reply 12
lol! But i guess that is better than assuming she has, you start at square 1 then. then with more information you can base your advice on fact rather than speculation.

Its quite important that you don't assume if you think about it...if you assume and you assume wrongly you could give completly the wrong advice! Better, to not assume, or if you do, err on the side of caution and use common sense!

Well I would have thought common sense would dictate that she had talked to him about it, as that seems the sensible thing to do. Which is why I made my assumption. :smile:
Reply 14
er...not everyone talks about their problems, as obvious as it may sound!

But yeh, good point! That is the sensible and correct thing to do, how can you solve a problem without firstly both parties knowing there is a problem to solve!

Not a bad assumption, but from experience of sorting out many relationships you would be surprised at how many people keep stum about their problems and expect the other person to know. I have found that girls are especially good at this! Men tend to tell the other person if something is wrong, girls tend to clam up and just put up with it. So, telling a girl to talk is quite good advice as some just don't talk about their problems with their bf!

Why are men so annoying and they don't seem to realise? They do the stupidest things. My boyfreind is 24 and can be so childish and stupid and think its funny, for example today he followed me around Asda shouting 'Bitty' (as in Little Britain) at the top of his voice, i could have killed him, it was so humiliating, i was mortified. Also he talks about our sex life in shocking detail in front of our friends i can see my friends are so embarrased for me but his friends love it and i'm like why do you need to tell them everything. Men always seem to go on about how girls tell their friends about all there sexual 'adventures', i don't and my friends don't but he does and it annoys me, cos he thinks hes being really funny and clever even at the age of 24 and its just really pisses me off. Does anyone else have this kind of problem with their boyfriend?

well the 'men are all annoying and they don't realize it' tone you started this thread off with doesn't really generate a lot of positive response, especially from the men. I think it would have been a little better with "Why don't men realize that they're annoying when they complain that women are annoying?". And yes, women are annoying. :P Men are too. My ex's mood swings were SO exasperating, I'll tell you that.

but sounds like your boyfriend doesn't really care about what you think. I mean, if he would be willing to go into graphic detail about your sex life, then seriously...he needs to grow up and realize that there is another person in his sex life: you. Sit his ass down on a hard wooden chair and talk to him about it. Otherwise dump him. If you're with a guy who doesn't make you feel good, don't stay with him.

Guys can boast all they like about the number of girls they've 'conquered' and if girls do the same, the guys are all "omg slut"
er...not everyone talks about their problems, as obvious as it may sound!

But yeh, good point! That is the sensible and correct thing to do, how can you solve a problem without firstly both parties knowing there is a problem to solve!

Not a bad assumption, but from experience of sorting out many relationships you would be surprised at how many people keep stum about their problems and expect the other person to know. I have found that girls are especially good at this! Men tend to tell the other person if something is wrong, girls tend to clam up and just put up with it. So, telling a girl to talk is quite good advice as some just don't talk about their problems with their bf!



I shall assume you are correct (me having had very little experience in such matters) :p:

Guys can boast all they like about the number of girls they've 'conquered' and if girls do the same, the guys are all "omg slut"

this was pondered out in the pub the other night with my friends,

the conclusion was that Its all down to biology. A woman can only get pregnant once every nine months, whereas a man in the same space of time could father a ridiculous amount of children... thus leaving them having to be more careful with themselves because they're stuck being pregnant, and as men we're not.

and thats the theory : )
Reply 18
Original post by Fluent &#953

I shall assume you are correct (me having had very little experience in such matters) :p:


You assumed correct! I am God, of course i am correct, i am never wrong, LOL! :rolleyes:
Hey just think you fellow guys. When life was created etc and the was "Adam and Eve" just think what would have happen had Adam died, before he shagged Eve! Are you thinking!