The Student Room Group

pimples on my bum!!!

This is the weirdest thing but I have pimples on my bum. :frown: . I dont know how to get rid of them. they are just small red dots but a few larger ones, they aren't whiteheads or blackheads, its not greasy and i wash everyday in the shower. basically i have a whole pimple culture on both butt cheeks. they are really at the bottem where the bum folds with the legs. I have a feeling they started when I started to cycle seriously. basically could it be from the bike seat as i cycle a lot now? but really the question is how do I get rid of them? since they are right below the bikini bottom. i stoped moisturizing and i used this healing cream but it only seemed to get worse. help how do i get rid of them?

ps I find this a rather amusing problem but still pleas give me some sensible help.
Aww mate, that must suck! Get down to Body Shop and buy their cactus body brush and use it with a nice moisturising shower gel. Try moisturising daily with an unscented light moisturiser. That might help. Also, cotton undies, no nylon or man-made stuff!
Reply 2
Yeah, It's common because you're sitting down on your arse, which can cause the pores to become blocked. Folds are good for getting grime trapped too.

It's difficult to suggest anything other than scrubbing with a brush daily. Other than that, go see the doctor.
Reply 3
Also, cotton undies, no nylon or man-made stuff!

Yeah, if you've been wearing cycle shorts, that could contribute to it.
Reply 4
'tis the pox! Run kiddies, run for your lives!
Reply 5
It sounds like it could be ingrown hairs (if you have a hairy bum?) These cause pimples all over the bum like you are describing. I would try exfoliating or using a body brush all over the area everyday to see if it makes any difference! This will get rid of the skin over the hairs and allow them to become free, so will not cause pimples. Try it and see if it works.
Yep, I think the key word here is "exfoliate!"
or u could just buy a body wash specifically made to prevent spots. go to any chemist or large supermarket and go to the skincare section. apparently they work minor miracles. there again i think they are supposed to work on your back and shoulders rather than your arse XD
Reply 8
Well I dont have a hairy bum. so I doubt its ingrowns, plus this is only recent. But i will try out different scrubs, never thought of that. thanx guys :smile:
Reply 9
It's sweat, I rode (horses) and I get them now and then. The best thing to do is take a shower/bath and wash your bum cheeks with soap after you've been cycling:p:
I was thinking about starting this thread, the only problem is that I'vehad them since I was little - my sister used to tease me mercilessly - but I've tried exfoliating, anti spot thingys, cleansing/toning stuff, everything and nothing seems to change it. Sometimes there's only a few sometimes lots, and theyre at the top part of my butt........
Reply 11
Make sure you wipe well too... you never know....
Reply 12
What a problem, i used to have a friend with something similar.

Oh dear i think i just found out something.
i have them tooo!!:mad:

but unfortunately i dont know what to do about them!

sorry i cudnt b of any help
Reply 14
ooooh...another pimmply butt! I think its an apidemic. hmmmm....I'm thinking to get one to see what this fuss is all about.

so georgiek wut did u figure out? got one yourself, hehe.
Reply 15
no just who anonymous in this topic may be :rolleyes: