It depends... i have really close friends that i have known like forever and i have not so close friends.... if it came down to my close friends and my bf id have to say my close friends but if it came down to my bf and my not so close friends id say my bf.
it's just that i always think this age (teens) is for friends, and then as u get older priorities change and your partner suddenly becomes number one. sometimes people put their partners first and hurt their friends in the process
I'd say my boyfriend... when I first started going out with him we went out a lot and I kind of neglected my friends (as a lot of people do when in a new relationship and infatuated with them)... they decided to get on with their own lives and go hang out with other people, abd we kind of drifted apart. I stills ee all my close friends regularly, but they've all got their own friendship groups. I tend to sacrifice my friends for my boyfriend, but that's just me.
I'd say my boyfriend... when I first started going out with him we went out a lot and I kind of neglected my friends (as a lot of people do when in a new relationship and infatuated with them)... they decided to get on with their own lives and go hang out with other people, abd we kind of drifted apart. I stills ee all my close friends regularly, but they've all got their own friendship groups. I tend to sacrifice my friends for my boyfriend, but that's just me.
I would say the same if i had a boyfriend, but it seems like a few of my friends have had issues when i have talked about this with them. They think they should come first even if I was in a really serious relationship, even if i got engaged or something like that!
Btw i am posting anonymous because i know at least 2 of the friends come on TSR.
Don't get me wrong, I do like my friends and enjoying going out with them, but a lot of them all go out with their own group of friends and I'm sort of left out, as is anyone with a serious boyfriend among us. A lot of my friends aren;t that good a friend, because when I go Uni I'll hardly see them that much anyways... I won't be missing out, and hopefully I'll make new friends who enjoy the company of me and my boyfriend.
Friends normally last longer then relationships, obviously depending on how serious it is though, i would always put friends first but if it was serious then equal
IMO both should try and be integrated as much as possible, though alone time is required with both as well.
At no time should girl/boyfriends be for purely screwing, it should be a friendly relationship in which you can spend time alone with each other having fun other than penis+vagina fun.
Entirely depends. If my mates are being unreasonable about something to do with the man, then he gets put first. If my man is getting grumpy cos I want to go to a party and he can't come, mates come first. I will always stick with who I think is being fair, whoever they are! I don't kiss a** for the sake of keeping the peace.
Shouldn't it be one's partner? Being as we love our partners, but only like our friends?
that depends on age, we've all heard of puppy love.
As a relationship becomes more serious, then the couple should be doing things together, as opposed to the homer simpson style of life where he goes off to bars etc.
My parents do almost everything together, and whenever its not its either dad on business or either of them with us.