The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
post, please
Reply 2
do you seriously expect anyone to understand the content of this poll?
Haha, I know I'm stumped. But then again, I'm Canadian, so I don't do any of that poop.
As an American, I find this poll a bit, well, stupid. I understand trying to find out stats so you'll see how you'll fair in the admissions decision, but I doubt everyone is going to fit into your very generalized options!

For instance, I had a 2150 SAT, no AP scores, one SAT II, a 3.9 unweighted GPA, and damn good letters of recommendation.
You should have picked one criterion and made it the basis of your poll--the average applicant is going to fall into multiple categories here.
Reply 6
Have any of you looked at my Thread named "Americans at St Andrews for History or any History Joint Degrees?"?
lol, yep.

You really want to know all the Americans here, dontcha.

I hope Americans aren't cliquey in St. Andrews. T'would hurt integration of the student population, considering they're such a massive cohort.
Reply 8
Heh shall we form our own TSR clique?
Reply 9
Heh shall we form our own TSR clique?

I second that.
Boooo!!! Integration!!! :p:
integration! i'm begining to feel like the only english person going to this university!! and i havent seen a single scot on TSR going to St Andrews and its in Blooming Scotland!!
Reply 12
dont worry im english too :p:
Reply 13
well, it's not hard to notice there are only a handful of scots around here and only few of them go to St. Andrews.

relieved to know tsr is not the whole of the students there are in the UK
i notice Javalinn, you are berlin, Bdarnell says hes english tho i spy "california" but going by that theory im french!
Reply 15
I'm english as well, but I see what you mean about not knowing any Scottish people at least on this forum going there. Worst comes to worst we have our own TSR clique.

So what is everyone here studying and have you put it down as their first choice? (I could trawl through pages on the other thread, but it's easier this way)
Reply 16
IR here.

In response to blondemoment, I'm English but currently reside in California. However to further complicate things, I was born in Switzerland and have never lived in the UK despite my UK citizenship. Yes, quite confusing... :p:
Reply 17
Modern History and French!

I'm not actually American either- but there is no Canadian thread. This one will have to do. :smile:
Although I'm American, I'm actually British at heart. So brownie points?

I'll be taking English, IR, and Modern History and sincerely hoping that one of those subjects is going to be the passion of my existence. I got lucky and got to bypass the whole committing to one subject thing because I'm special like that! (And maybe they think Americans are too indecisive, and considering myself, I'd say it's a fair assessment. lol)
Yeah ill give you browny points, as you actually know what they are.

well im confusing myself, english, go to school in england, home is in the south of france as of this year!!

St Andrews is my firm, French and beginners russian,

there should be a mass TSR meet up, it would be very international!