The Student Room Group

THE £1 MILLION CASH CARD??!.... I need advise!

I found this "£1 million cash card" in Stansted Airport... It had 3 matching symbols and then it says that I should call a number to get my "claim number" in order to get my prize (which could be anything between £150 to a Oskar Emil watch to a few thousands £ to £1 mio! Uhhh!! tuition fees!! haha :flute: )

I'm from Denmark and don't really know if this is a "real"/well-known cash card, so if anybody knows anything about it please write....

The thing is, I would like to know if there is a snag in it!!!
HAVE I actually already won one of the prizes or will I for instanse be given 6 numbers and have to choose the right one in order to get the prize?!? :confused: veeery very confused!
(It costs £1.5/minut to make the call and it will last about 6 minuts it says... So I don't want to make the call if it's some kind of scam!)

Well.... is this "£1 million cash card" a well-known "game" or should I throw the card away? :frown:
I really wouldn't do it if I were you, those things are always scams :mad:
Reply 2
It's a scam. If you look, it probably says one of the prizes is "worth" that much, which means it will be in vouchers of the form "£X off if you spend £3000000000".
And they say it will last 6 mins when connected at £1.50 pm, but a lot of the time you're being charged whilst waiting to be put through, which is where they make the moeny, because many people don't realise that.
Reply 4
hmm.... alrighty.
I'm thinkng I'll just use the postal way to get the claim number and to be told which prize I've won (which wonøt cost me a lot!). I'f it is in deed a watch or something like that I won't bother to actually get the prize!! (But if it's the £1 mio.... well!! :biggrin:)
Reply 5
Don't do it!!!
Oh these things are the same every time. Aren't they banned in the uk?? Its a little group of fat man in an office making millions from you!

Its always a scam!! And they profit from idiots who are naive enough to believe it.. (not referring to you, charliegh) so for gods sake.. avoid the shame of being ripped off and rip it up!! :smile:
Reply 8
it's banned in Denmark (where I'm from) That's why I thought it looked a liiiiiittle bit suspicious!

Well, thanks for your advise everyone! :smile:
I'm definitely NOT doing it now!
Reply 9
Anything that charges you for a prize you've won is going to be a scam.

Chances are it'd be "yes, we now put you into the second stage prize draw where you could win entry into the third stage prize draw in which you could could could win a toaster"
Reply 10
Yep, that is a well known game. Everytime you buy a magazine two or three of those fall out.

Somebody I know did actually get a free mobile phone from one of those cards, but you know the people running the scam are far too clever to just be giving things away without getting more in return.
King Leigh
Anything that charges you for a prize you've won is going to be a scam.

Exactly, if it was for real they just take the administration costs etc out of the value of the prize.

The most likely thing is that card fell out of a magazine or something, the ones you get in there you "win" like every time.
Reply 12
Reply 13
Recently didnt an old lady kill herself or die with these dodgy letters coming via the post. She was in debt in the tens of thousands of pounds.....hmmm
From these cards I have won 10 million pounds two villas 4 cars 10 watches and various other prizes i have only once found a card like this which I didn't win a prize from and it was attached to two winning cards.

These are all scams. If you read the small print there are millions of cards identical to yours and only one prize available. If you read further it turns out that they don't even have to award it to anyone. (All this could be yours for just one phone call costing £15)
Reply 15
any 'competition' that charges more than a pound/£1.50 is a scam. you will win a holiday with so many t's and c's attached that it will be impossible to take or end up costing you more than a normal holiday. give it up!
Reply 16
Scam scam scam.