The Student Room Group
Reply 1
if it's just a few then yeh, but if it's loads then it might be slightly offputting
Reply 2
:dito: I don't mind a few, it's to be expected, but if it's loads it is a bit of a turn off.
Reply 3
Most guys tend to grow out of it so if they had spots i wouldnt be too put off.
Reply 4
Why is this question directed at girls? I mean, do you find spots off putting on a girl? It works both ways, you know :rolleyes:
No not really. One of my exes had really bad acne and I can't say it bothered me that much, although he did look so much better after he was put on roaccutane.
Reply 6
i know it works both ways but i am not half and half u see so im only interested in 1 set of opinions because i know my opinions of spots on girls and amen't interested in what other guys want as i amen't them
:dito: I don't mind a few, it's to be expected, but if it's loads it is a bit of a turn off.

:ditto: Thirding that.
:ditto: Thirding that.

Reply 9
I don't mind much. I've had them since I was like, 10 and only just stopped getting them so much but I have a pretty scarred face now. :redface: If the guy's attractive in general though I don't see the problem, they'll go away anyway.
My boyfriend used to have pretty bad spots, he's cleared up a lot now, unless I'm blinded by love :p: I liked him too much to really care.
so personality is more important?
Reply 12
so personality is more important?
Personality and spots have nothing to do with one another. I said if the guy is handsome without spots, he is also handsome WITH spots, so it doesn't matter imo.
Reply 13
God, I do so loathe my acne.
so personality is more important?

Personality is *much* more important - when I'm really attracted to a guy's personality, I end up finding everything about him attractive (or at least tolerable :wink:), even things I would find very unattractive normally
Reply 15
i dont like acne. on men or women. sorry. all that personality and stuff, yea, but i wouldnt date them.appearcance is part of fancying someone
Reply 16
i dont like acne. on men or women. sorry. all that personality and stuff, yea, but i wouldnt date them.appearcance is part of fancying someone

That my girlfriend purports not to mind seems of precious little consequence; those pitifully infrequent occasions whereby the infestation has been seen to subside for days, even weeks, on end being notable for an exponential improvement in overall confidence on my part.