The Student Room Group

saying sorry...

hey guys...

im in a really wierd position, please help me out here!!

basically i was really good friends with someone but my bestfriend hated me being friends with them and we constantly fought about this situation for like a year until she asked me to choose between them and like the complete **** that i am...i, without thinking whatsoever but just through fear of losing my bestmate, chose my bestmate ----> biggest mistake! anyway i hurt my friend so much and i didnt realise the extent to what i did until after i done it...and i miss her so much, i know its my own fault and i kno things will never go back to normal ( we never ever talk or see each other now!) i think about her all the time and today i bumped into her...i just miss her so actually as sad as it sounds...hurts. and thing is...i've never apoligised to her for doing that, ive never found sayin sorry this hard before but i think its because...i know i've hurt her and im just so scared to talk to her now...scared to even look at her because im ashamed!

i dunno how to say sorry to her...some of my friends tell me just to leave it and try and forget about it because things will never ever be the same....but i need to apoligise! but 'sorry'...its such a little word and cannot actually describe to her actually how much i regret hurting her like that. im scared if i go and talk to her face to face she'll just ask what the hell im doing or just walk away or tell me to shut up or afterwards laugh about me!

how can i tell her how sorry i am? :frown:

it's her 18th birthday soon and although i don't want to spoil it whatsoever, do you guys think i should maybe go see her afterwards? or maybe send a card? or paint/draw/make her somethin?

:frown: :frown:
Reply 1
oh yeah i forgot to say...i think it's been like 6/7 months now that we haven't been speaking to each other. i know....pathetic!
Send her an email or write a letter. Be sincere and tell her how sorry you are etc. It'll give her time to think about it. I guess you can't really expect anything, but do what you can n see how it goes :smile:
i havent spoken to one of my best friends for two years now when we fell out in the 5th yr at school, tried apologising but no reply...nvm
Reply 4
yeah i might write her a letter although problem is...why would she take time to read it? shall i just keep it short or try and explain?