maybe i need a guy to answer this, who can understand the male mind. to cut a very long story short, i was in a relationship which turned bad because it was quite one sided on my part. i ended it, was quite upset, but moved on. recently, my ex tells me he is sorry, that he acted like an idiot and kept mentioning how things could be different if it happened again. i know he was genuine because he made all the effort of coming to see me. we made up, went out separate ways. now i am confused. did he want another chance? he doesnt appear to be making much of an effort, and im certainly not going to take charge. if he wants me, he can fight for me. but in your opinion, has he suddenly lost interest, or does he want me to make the first move...
ps. dont say TALK to him. i know i must, but first i need his mind analysed by you!