The Student Room Group

Recommend A Salicylic Acid Product Please!

Hello everyone

I’m looking for a salicylic acid product for the blackheads on my nose :mad:

I would like it to be around 1.5% to 2% and, more importantly, have very little other gubbins in to! No perfume, colourings etc.. as few ingredients as possible, if possible! Some thing that I can just walk into Boots or Superdrug and buy it is good. I'm also not sure if I want a lotion, cream or gel...

All your suggestions are very welcome
Thank you indeed
Clean and Clear, clearasil and L'Oreal Pure Zone do products containing salicylic acid. Don't know about how much they contain though.
Reply 2
clinique clear blemish gel, its 9.50 i think...last for ever though and it works
Isnt saliycilic acid like asprin?
Dunno but it's in most spot treatments.
Reply 5
Isnt saliycilic acid like asprin?

well actually acteyl salicilate is aspirin but but saliycilic acid is the ingredient you need to make it and is also left over after you have used the aspirin, it leaves in your urine.