The Student Room Group
are you a guy or a girl?

Either way, he sounds like he wants some physical attention from you. Either reciprocate or tell him you don't want it.
My friend keeps staring at me and tells me that he wishes he was like me, he has also started touching my body, not in an obviously pervy way, but he did grab me from behind:confused:

Unless i'm missing something it sounds as though this guy fancies you. Or maybe he has a slight obsession with you, that type of thing is becoming more common.
Reply 3
Schmokie Dragon
Either reciprocate or tell him you don't want it.

I really don't think reciprocating will help. A better idea, IMO, is making it clear to them that this is not welcome.

Maybe you just need to talk this over with your friend. For all you know, he's just a guy who happens to think that you're well toned, or good-looking in a way that he isn't. Sort of like a role model. And he just doesn't know how to express that properly.
Reply 4
I'd like to get it sorted out before I see him next week, however it might be nothing.
I'd like to get it sorted out before I see him next week, however it might be nothing.

Talk about girls all the time and he might catch the drift. That's assuming you are a guy.